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ImageMixer is a computer software that edits and imports digital video. It is a second-party Japanese program, distributed by Pixela, that comes with digital camcorders as the means to edit the videos. It has a notorious history of crashing on more recent operating systems.

[edit] Uses

The program is used primarily for importing video clips off of the digital camcorder and onto the computer. ImageMixer also has an editing software, but most users claim that it is incredibly hard to use, and is almost obsolete when compared to other movie editing programs such as Windows Movie Maker and iMovie. However, the program is a necessity for DVD handycam users, as it is the only program that can burn the edited movie back onto the camera. As a result, Sony has chosen to package ImageMixer with its DVD Handycam.

[edit] Bugs and Glitches

On operating systems higher than Windows 2000, ImageMixer has been known to malfunction and shut down. Problems importing videos have arisen, and the editing software has been reported to freeze often. These problems have been linked to the fact that Windows 2000 has antivirus programs that cause problems during the installation of ImageMixer.