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Ihsan (or Ehsan or Ahsan or احسان) is an Arabic term meaning "perfection" or "excellence." In Islam, Ihsan is the Muslim responsibility to obtain perfection, or excellence, in worship, such that Muslims try to worship God (Arabic Allah) as if they see Him, and although they cannot see Him, they undoubtedly believe he is constantly watching over them. That definition comes from the hadith in which Muhammad states, "[Ihsan is] to worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you." (Al-Bukhari and Al-Muslim).[citation needed]

The concept of Ihsan has been understood differently by various Islamic scholars. For example, some scholars explain Ihsan as being the "inner-dimension" of Islam whereas shariah is often described as the "outer-dimension".[citation needed] Ihsan is excellence in worship, work, and in social interactions. For example, ihsan includes sincerity during Muslim prayers and being grateful to parents, family, and God.

Ehsan or Ihsan is also a boys name in some Muslim countries (e.g. I.R. Pakistan).

[edit] Sufi Term

Sufis have divided Ihsan into two parts

  • Muraqaba i.e. to worship with the thought that God is seeing us.
  • Mushahada i.e. to worship God as if we see Him.

[edit] External links

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Philosophy : Ihsan | Lataif | Tajalli | Noor | Maqaam | Haal | Yaqeen | Fanaa | Baqaa | Haqiqah | Marifah | Mast | Wajad | Wahdat-ul-Wujood | see also: Sufi cosmology
Practices : Dhikr | Muraqaba | Sama | Qawwali | Sufi whirling | Hadhra
Orders : Chishti | Jerrahi | Darqawi | Naqshbandi | Qadri | Oveyssi | Galibi | Suhrawardiyya | Rifa'i | Mevlevi | Shadhili | see also: Tariqah
Medieval Sufis : Oveys Gharani | Hassan Basri | Bayazid | Jazouli | Junayd | Ghazali | Jilani | Ibn Arabi | Hallaj | Rumi | Saadi | Attar | Suhrawardi | Data Gunj | Gharib Nawaz | Amir Khusro | Rabia | Baba Farid | Kabir | Alf Sani | Shah Waliullah | Bhittai | Ibn 'Ata Allah | Ahmed Zarruq
Modern Sufis : Shah Angha | Bawa Muhaiyaddeen | Hassan Kuscuoglu | Idries Shah | Omar Ali Shah | Mawlana Faizani | Muhammad al-Maliki | Hisham Kabbani | Kabir Helminski | Inayat Khan | Shamsuddin Azeemi | Reshad Feild | Akram Awan | Nuh Ha Mim Keller | Martin Lings | Muhammad al-Yaqoubi | Nazim Qubrusi | Ali Kalkancı | Abdalqadir as-Sufi | Abdesslam Yassine | Taqi Usmani | Hamza Yusuf
Other : History | Sufi texts | Sufi poetry | Sufi studies | Shrines | List of Sufis