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Uploaded by Arief Mizan, Student of Communication Studies, University of Indonesia

Indonesia, Go Open Source! (IGOS) is a Indonesia national effort to strengthen national information technology system as well as to exploit global information technology development through utilization and exploitation of Open Source Software (OSS). IGOS is an initiative held to decrease the use of pirated application software and substitute it using open source based legal software. Indonesia's Ministry of Research and Technology (Menristek) will adopt Sun Java Dekstop System (JDS) that run in Linux operation system as a national standard for desktop. Dekstop which customized appropriated with Indonesia Culture is a main component from national IGOS program. In the declaration between Menristek and Sun Microsystem, has been told that the program proposed to minimize Indonesia’s digital imbalanced.

The ministry said it will develop its own IGOS-branded software stack using JDS on Linux as the base platform. The agreement with Sun -- for an unspecified number of years -- has the goal of installing copies of the open source-based desktop across Indonesia, beginning with its government-affiliated offices, the ministry said.

Sun said it will provide marketing and support services to the IGOS project. IGOS is an initiative to minimize the level of pirated software use. And substitute it with a legal software legal based onopen source.


On the date of June 30, 2004, 5 Ministers jointly declared the use and utilization of Open Source Software. These 5 Ministers were: State Minister of Research and Technology, Minister of Communication and Informatics, Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Minister of Administrative Reform, and Minister of National Education.

Declaration :

JOINT DECLARATION OF Indonesia, Go Open Source ! (IGOS) 1. In order to optimize the utilization of information technology for encouraging the nation's economic growth, creativity and innovation is needed so as to support self-effort and competitiveness of Indonesia . 2. Government and civil society have agreed to have strong effort in utilizing information technology. 3. In supporting the successfulness of these efforts, development and utilization of Open Source Software is one of strategic actions to accelerate information technology mastery in Indonesia . 4. In order to obtain as much benefit as possible of these efforts, government and information technology society need to take actions, as follows: a. Disseminate utilization of Open Source Software in Indonesia b. Prepare the guideline for development and utilization of Open Source Software in Indonesia c. Urge to establish open source-based software competency training centers and their information technology business incubator centers in Indonesia d. Urge and improve coordination, capability, creativity, willingness, and participation for optimum utilization of Open Source Software in government and civil societies Jakarta , 30 June 2004


• To reduce information technology gap by utilizing OSS either in Indonesian societies or global level. • To improve innovation/creativity of national software developers. • To urge, improve, and create government's programs on national information technology that have impacts on: o Politic (the acceleration of e-government program). o Economy (saving state budget expenditure on license provision, stimulation of industrial development of information technology, improvement of local software industries. o Socio and culture (increasing number of computer users, trainings, information access). o Education (science and technology; e-learning; e-library). o National Defence and Security (protected-information/trafficking exchange).


• To make Open Source Software ( OSS ) as alternative software to users and developers. • To stimulate developers' creativity, R&D and industries in global competitiveness so as to provide job opportunities in the area of information technology. • To improve Human Resource capability in information technology (universities, schools and civil societies).


• OSS is One of global issues on Information Communication and Technology (ICT) • Implementation of Intellectual Property Right Law (IPR) – prevent the increasing software piracy. • The presence of information technology gap between developing and advanced countries. o The agreement of World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), December 2003 Governments and privates should cooperate for the development of Open Source Software and free software. o The study of The United Nation Conference on Trade Development (UNCTAD) 2003 – Developing countries are recommended to adopt Free OSS. Implementation Strategy • Gradual and sustainable implementation with the orientation of target achievement. • Government acts as a model: government institutions as OSS users. • Neutral approach: no discrimination against proprietary software.

Open Source Software (OSS)

Software where the source code (the language in which the program is written) is freely distributed, and it is developed, or improved through public collaboration. • Can be freely modified and developed over time. • No discrimination against persons or groups. • Can be as Operating System (Linux) or for application.


Public • Provoding alternative software on desktop with less cost. • Enghancing people's knowledge on information technology. • Reducing information technology gap. • Enhancing publik access to information. • Improving creativity in developing and exploiting information technology (no barriers by existing software). Government • Reducing the amount of money on software cost (particulary the use of operating system on desktop and networking). • Saving state budget expenditure on software. • Enhancing development of local software industry so as to be able to improve innovation on information technology. • Providing opportunities for software development. • Enterprises/institutions are able to undestand business process by way of improvement/modification. • Reducing issue on Intellectual Property Right. • Promoting information technology competition. • Improving the openess and security system factor.

Industry • Enhancing development of national software industry. • Low cost in entering software industry • Building human resource capability on information technology. • Migration to new paradigm from "IT import" to "IT export".


   SDN (Sistem Desktop Nasional) IGOS or National Desktop System 

Is an open source based software brand, launched by IGOS Consortium Team to fulfill demands of Open source software that ready to be used. SDN IGOS fully equipped by supporting infrastructure, helpdesk and business model which support IT industry development. SDN IGOS is one of the first software launched by using IGOS desktop brand and complete application for desktop and integrated. Operating system : IGOS OS • Office productivity : IGOS Office • Project : Project Manager • Email Client : Evolution • Instant Messaging Client : GAIM • Desktop Environment : GNOME • Application Platform : Java • Browser : Mozilla • Graphic Disain : GIMP 2.0

For more information: http://www.igos-desktop.com

   Aplikasi / Distro Waroeng IGOS

Waroeng IGOS is open source software based internet stall business consist of : office application (word processing, spreadsheet dan presentation), internet application (Web browser, chatting, mail client), anti virus (clumav, spamassassin ) and for server consist of (security, proxy manager, IP location, billing system internet stall and quality of services).

Application/Distro Linux Waroeng IGOS separated in 3(three) CD-ROMs, they are: CD-ROM 1 : Server Application (Knoppix Version/live on CD) CD-ROM 1 : Client Application (Knoppix Version/live on CD) CD-ROM 1 : Installation for client and server computer

Further information : http://igos.gunadarma.ac.id/

   IGOS Berdikari

possible the owner of internet stall who own a complete PC migrate to open source solution without any obstacles, because it has the same features and facilities with the other operating system. IGOS BERDIKARI is a solution for internet stall entrepreneur to minimize their investment on application license. Based on Linux Operating System, IGOS BERDIKARI is more secure from viruses attack or trojan horse.

Further information : http://www.psn.co.id/igos

   IGOS Kwartet

is a technology which able to connect 4 sets of monitor, keyboard, and mouse by using one PC based on Linux supported by 4 VGA cards and 8 USB ports. IGOS KWARTET enables every terminal to have a high visual quality according to the ability of VGA card. Its possible because each terminal connected by one VGA card. IGOS KWARTET could be applied by many internet stalls to compress their hardware investment budget and still able to enjoy a high quality of great and interesting visualization.

IGOS KWARTET simplified the terminal maintenance process/client because it’s only a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Implementation of IGOS KWARTET by Internet Stall is also more secure from viruses attack and Trojan horse because the operating system based on Linux.

Further information : http://www.psn.co.id/igos

   IGOS Laba2

is a thin client architecture open source using PXES Thin Client Terminal. It’s mean by just use one Linux based server, the computer can service up to 12 workstation diskless. IGOS LABA-LABA economized hardware investment budget because all application run by server side. Workstation/client doesn’t need a new PC, just use the old computer without hardisc.

Further information: http://www.psn.co.id/igos

   IGOS Billing System

Online Billing Information System is a billing system using information technology helps the entrepreneur to monitor the use of computer and its income. The entrepreneur can access the information about the transaction in his/her internet stall anytime and anywhere by via internet. Online Billing Information System can give the information about: • Use of each workstation (client) • Total income per day • User amount per day • And the other features.

Futher information: http://www.psn.co.id/igos


Software RI is a software solution containing general application in Indonesia language to accomplish day activities for computer user.

Minimum Hardware Configuration • Prosesor 486 or higher • RAM 32 MB or higher • Minimum hardisc 1.5 GB for all office, internet, multimedia applications, etc • Monitor • VGA card • Keyboard and mouse

Further information : http://www.software-ri.or.id/


BlankOn Linux is a Linux system which suitable with the computer general users in Indonesia. This BlankOn Linux 1.0 become a complete operating system based on Fedora Core 3 using open source software developed by Yayasan Penggerak Linux Indonesia (YPLI) or Indonesia Linux Movemet Foundation coorporated with UNESCO and the other Linux community. Distro BlankOn especially provided for the world of education, office, and government.

Window default environment system set on BlankOn is the latest Gnome version 2.8.0. BlankOn Linux completed by other productivity applications such as office package from OpenOffice.org 1.1.2, Evolution 2.0.2, Thunderbird 0.8 and Firefox 1.0 for Internet surfing. The other applications are: Samba 3.0.8 (server), Rhythmbox 0.88, Totem 0.99.19 (Multimedia) and games such as Frozen-bubble 1.0.0.

Further information: http://www.blankonlinux.or.id/

   Sun Java Desktop System (JDS)

Sun Java Desktop System (JDS) is a secure and buyable complete desktop solution by offering all the benefit in one integrated package. Licensing model used is GPL (General Public Lisence) for Operating System. With the long-term support (software, maintenance, product upgrades and support services). The component inside Java Desktop, are: • StarOffice (Office Productivity Suite) • Text Document • Spreadsheet • Presentation • Mozilla (Browser + Flash, Acrobat, Real Plugins) • Evolution (Email, Directory and Calender client) • GAIM + Java System IM (Instant Messaging clients) • GNOME (Desktop Environment) • Java (Development Platform) • Java Desktop System (Linux OS) Minimum Hardware Configuration  : - Processor Pentium III-compatible, 800 Mhz

 - Free Space Hardisc 5 GB
 - RAM 256 MB
 - Screen Resolution 800 x 600
 Recommended Configuration:       - Processor Pentium IV-compatible,1000 Mhz
 - Free Space Hardisc 7 GB (or higher)
 - RAM 512 MB (or higher)
 - Screen Resolution 1024 x 768

Further information : http://www.sun.com/software/javadesktopsystem/index.html

   Distro RadHat

Redhat is a business oriented Linux distribution. The version provided in many kinds of version. Some of them are free so people can get it them from the internet for free. There are also proprietary and sold by ten million rupiahs. The latest version is RedHat 9 and will appear the higher version soon.

Further information: http//www.redhat.or.id/

   Distro Mandrake Linux

Mandrake is a favorite software in Indonesia. Mandrake Linux (now called Mandriva Linux after its merger with Conectiva) was created in 1998 with the goal of making Linux easier to use for everyone. At that time, Linux was still a developer's operating system and sound knowledge of the CLI (command line interface) was a must. Also available in Indonesia Language.

Further information: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/

    Dsitro SUSE Linux

SUSE LINUX Professional 9.2 comes with the latest open source functionality included Kernel Linux 2.6 which is developed on desktop KDE 3.3 and GNOME 2.6. Novell underline mobility figure with a simple configuration system and supported Bluetooth and Wireless LANs. Providing a better performance and easier to platform, 32 or 64-bit SUSE LINUX Professional 9.2 included installation media, documentation, and technical support for standard 32-bit PC processors, As well as AMD Athlon 64 and Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology. This product has been a ‘de facto” standard and has reached the next “milestone” in Linux Operating System establishment.

Further Information : http://www.suse.com/

Reference: 1. http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS3370503002.htm 2. http://www.detikinet.com/index.php/detik.read/tahun/2006/bulan/12/tgl/21/time/173021/idnews/722981/idkanal/399 3. http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS3370503002.html 4. http://www.detikinet.com/index.php/detik.read/tahun/2006/bulan/12/tgl/21/time/173021/idnews/722981/idkanal/399 5. www.ilmukomputer.com 6. http://www.igos.web.id/