Icelandic parliamentary election, 1983

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Summary of the 23 April 1983 Icelandic Althing election results
Parties Votes % Seats +/-
Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn) 50.251 38,6
Social Democratic Party (Alþýðuflokkurinn) 15.214 11,7
Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn) 24.095 18,5
People's Alliance (Alþýðubandalagið) 22.490 17,3
Socialist Alliance (Bandalag Jafnaðarmanna) 9.489 7,3
Womens's Alliance (Samtök um kvennalista 7,125 5,5
Other 1,298 1,1
Total 129,962   '  
Icelandic parliamentary elections Flag of Iceland
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