Icelandic orthography

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[edit] Grapheme-to-phoneme correspondences

This section lists Icelandic letters and letter combinations, and how to pronounce them using a narrow International Phonetic Alphabet transcription. [1] See Icelandic_language#Vowels to know when a vowel is long or short.

Grapheme Phonetic realization Examples
a long: [äː] open central unrounded vowel

short: [ɐ]

taska "handbag, suitcase" listen 

kaka "cake" listen 

á [äu̯] fár "damage" listen 
au [œy̯] þau "they" listen 
b [p⁼] unaspirated voiceless bilabial plosive bær "town" listen 
d [t⁼] unaspirated voiceless alveolar plosive dalur "valley" listen 
ð between vowels or at end of word:
[ð̠] voiced alveolar non-sibilant fricative
eða "or" listen 

bað "bath" listen 

before a voiceless consonant:
[θ̠] voiceless alveolar non-sibilant fricative
maðkur "maggot" listen 
e long: [eɛ̯] or [eə̯]??

short: [ɛ]

drekka "drink" listen 
é [jɛ] ég [jɛːɣ] "I" listen 
ei, ey [ɛi̯] skeið "spoon" listen 
f normally:
around vowels:
lofa "promise" listen 
between ó and a vowel:
prófa [prou̯ɐ] "test" listen 

gulrófa "rutabaga" listen 

before l or n:
Keflavík listen 
fnd [mt] hefnd [hɛmt] listen 
fnt [m̥t] (voiceless) (is the t aspirated or not??) nefnt [nɛm̥t] listen 
g beginning of word, before a, á, é, j, o, ó, u, ú and ö; or between vowel and l or n:
[k⁼] unaspirated voiceless velar plosive
glápa "have a look" listen 

logn "calm (weather)" listen 

beginning of word, before e, i, í, y, ý, æ, ei or ey:
[c⁼] unaspirated voiceless palatal plosive
geta "can" listen 

gulrófa "rutabaga" listen 

after vowels; before a, u, ð or r; or at end of word:
[ɣ] voiced velar fricative
fluga "fly" listen 

lag "song" listen 

hv [kʰv] (older speakers say [xv]) hvað "what" listen 
i [ɪ] sin "sinew" listen 
í [i] íslenska "Icelandic" listen 
k kynskiptingur "transsexual" listen 
kk [ʰk] þakka "thank" listen 
l in most cases:
lás "lock" listen 
at end of word:
[l̥] voiceless alveolar lateral approximant??
sól "sun" listen 
ll in most cases:
bolli "cup" listen 

milli "between" listen 

in loan words and pet names:
bolla listen 

mylla "mill" listen 

o long: [oɔ̯] or [ʊɔ̯]??

short: [ɔ]

lofa "promise" listen 
ó [ou̯] rós "rose" listen 
p beginning of word:
[pʰ] aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive
par "pair" listen 
after a voiceless sound:
[p⁼] unaspirated voiceless bilabial plosive
spara "save" listen 
pp [ʰp] stoppa "stop" listen 
r some contexts:
[r] (voiced alveolar trill)
at end of syllable (or is it end of word?):
[r̥] (voiceless alveolar trill)
t beginning of word:
[tʰ] aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive
taka "take" listen 
after voiceless sound:
[t⁼] unaspirated voiceless alveolar plosive
stela "steal" listen 
u [ʏ] hundur "dog" listen 
ú [u] þú "you" listen 
þ [θ̠] voiceless alveolar non-sibilant fricative þú "you"

Aþena "Athens" listen 

æ [äi̯] læsa "lock" listen 
ö [œ] ör "scar" listen 

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Thráinsson, Höskuldur. Icelandic in The Germanic Languages, 2002, eds. König, Ekkehard; van der Auwera, Johan. pgs 142-52. Routledge Language Family Descriptions
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