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An Icebox was the common appliance for providing refrigeration in the home before safe refrigerants made compact mechanical refrigerators useful.

Commonly iceboxes were made of wood, most probably for ease of construction, insulation, and aesthetics: many were handsome pieces of furniture.

Iceboxes had hollow walls that were lined with tin or zinc and packed with various insulating materials such as cork, sawdust, straw or seaweed. A large block of ice was held in a tray or compartment near the top of the box. Cold air circulated down and around storage compartments in the lower section. Some finer models had spigots for draining ice water from a catch pan or holding tank. In cheaper models a drip pan was placed under the box and had to be emptied at least daily.

[edit] Historical application

Iceboxes date back to the days of ice harvesting which in a growing America had hit an industrial high that ran from the mid 19th century to the 1930s when the refrigerator was introduced into the home. Most municipally consumed ice was harvested in winter from snow-packed areas or frozen lakes. Even Thoreau's Walden Pond was not spared from ice harvesting. The ice was stored in ice houses, or shipped as far as India by Frederic Tudor, the "Ice King."

With metropolitan growth many of the sources of natural ice became contaminated from industrial pollution or sewer runoff. As early mechanical refrigerators became available, they were installed as large industrial plants producing ice for home delivery. Able to produce clean, sanitary ice year-round, their product gradually replaced ice harvested from ponds.

With wide-spread electrification and safer refrigerants, mechanical refrigeration in the home became possible. With the development of the chlorofluorocarbons (along with the succeeding hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons), that came to replace the use of toxic ammonia gas, the refrigerator replaced the icebox. However, because of the prevalence of the icebox in recent human history, the name "icebox" is still used colloquially for the modern home refrigerator by older Americans in some regions.

The horse-drawn ice wagon and the daily occupation of the iceman, who made regular door-to-door deliveries of block ice for iceboxes, was as much a social institution as the milk man.

[edit] Icebox picture gallery

 A. Norwegian icebox. The ice was placed in the drawer above the door. B. Typical Victorian icebox highboy model. The model is made out as a fine piece of oak furniture. Note tin or zinc shelving and door lining. C. An exclusive oak cabinet icebox that would be found in the well-to-do homes. Note the fancy harware and latches. Ice goes in the left upper door. This model probably has a pull-out drip tray.
A. Norwegian icebox. The ice was placed in the drawer above the door. B. Typical Victorian icebox highboy model. The model is made out as a fine piece of oak furniture. Note tin or zinc shelving and door lining. C. An exclusive oak cabinet icebox that would be found in the well-to-do homes. Note the fancy harware and latches. Ice goes in the left upper door. This model probably has a pull-out drip tray.

[edit] See also