Talk:IBM UniData

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[edit] UniVerse and UniData developed separately

The article as it stands is inaccurate. UniVerse is the older of the two operating environments, created in the early 1980's. In the early days of its creation, much of the product's direction was influenced by dealers and VARs of Prime Information systems. These dealers were not pleased with Prime's support for the Information product and sought an operating environment that they could migrate their applications to. They approached Vmark, the developers of UniVerse, and offered financial support and license purchases in exchange for development that made UniVerse support the Prime Information environment more transparently. In the middle 1980's, the UniData corporation began offering UniData, which, while it outwardly resembled UniVerse, was internally constructed in a much different manner. Vmark and the UniData Corporation decided to merge and the resultant corporation was named Ardent, which also acquired a multi-value 4GL product called System Builder (now SB+). Informix purchased Ardent, using some of the two operating environment's ideas in their signature database. In 2000, IBM purchased Informix's database offerings and are now selling UniVerse and UniData under the name 'U2'.

L. Greg 05:14, 19 July 2006 (UTC)