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The Plasma Universe issue of Physics Today (Sep 1986) featuring Hannes Alfvén's popular introductory article on the subject
The Plasma Universe issue of Physics Today (Sep 1986) featuring Hannes Alfvén's popular introductory article on the subject

The Plasma Universe is a term coined by Hannes Alfvén in the mid-1980s to describe his view that plasma and its known laboratory properties, plays a more significant role in the Universe than is generally accepted. [1] [2] [3]. The Plasma Universe includes fields of study that are well accepted and understood in astrophysical plasmas, and other plasma phenomena (described below) whose application to cosmic plasmas is considered by a much smaller number of scientists. [4].

The Plasma Universe is applied to diverse areas of astronomy, [5], including the origin of the Universe (Plasma cosmology)[6], the formation of galaxies, [7], stars[8], planetary rings, to areas such jets [9], quantized redshift[10], and the Titius-Bode law[11], and the origin of synchrotron radiation[12], cosmic rays[13], the cellular nature of space[14], and electric currents in cosmic plasmas[15], and the evolution of the Solar System (hetegony)[16].


[edit] Plasma astrophysics comparison

Plasma is known to make up, and play an important role in the Sun and stars, interplanetary space and its heliospheric current sheet, the Earth's plasmasphere and that of other planets, interstellar space and intergalactic space.

The Plasma Universe considers certain plasma phenomena that are seen in the laboratory, to play a much more influential role in space plasmas. For example:

Plasma Universe "Standard" Astrophysical plasmas
General approach Application of known lab physics only Known physics and "new" physics
Plasma description "Real:" Magnetic & electric description
MHD and non-MHD
"Pseudo-plasma:" Ideal fluid
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
Dominant force Electromagnetic for all charged particles,
gravity for larger grains
Electric currents
(Birkeland currents)
Atmosphere, Stellar, Interplanetary,
Interstellar, Intergalactic
Limited: Atmosphere
Solar ?
Cosmic electric circuits Yes No
"Invisible" energy transfer Yes: via circuits No
Double layers Prevalent Limited
Filamentation Pinched currents Magnetic?
Particle beams Prevalent Perhaps?
Galaxy formation Interacting Birkeland currents Gravity and dark matter
Electric chemical separation Yes: "Marklund convection" No
Star formation Plasma pinch Nuclear fusion
Synchrotron radiation Electric fields Black holes, gravity
Cosmology Plasma cosmology Standard cosmology
Big Bang No: "Steady State" Yes
Black holes No Yes
Neutron stars No Yes
Dark matter No Yes
Dark energy No Yes
Magnetic reconnection No (Pedagogic tool) Yes
Redshift Plasma redshift, Wolf effect ? Cosmological

[edit] History

Hannes Alfvén derived his model of the Plasma Universe based on his experience in the field. He has been called "the father of the modern discipline of classical physics known as hydromagnetism or magnetohydrodynamics"[17], a discipline he developed in the 1940s, and leading to his awarding of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1970 for "for fundamental work and discoveries in magneto-hydrodynamics with fruitful applications in different parts of plasma physics"[18].

Inspired by the earlier work of Kristian Birkeland credit with producing one of the first laboratory models of the Earth's aurora in the early 1900s, Nobel prize-winning physicist Irving Langmuir who did significant work on plasma, Alfvén postulated in 1937, that if plasma pervaded the universe, then it could carry electric currents that could generate a galactic magnetic field[19]

In 1950, Alfvén published the first edition of his book Cosmical Electrodynamics in which he highlights:

"Physics is mainly based on experience gained in the laboratory. When we try to apply to cosmic phenomenon the laws in which this experience is condensed, we make an enormous extrapolation, the legitimacy of which can be checked only by comparing the theoretical results with observations. [..]
It seems very probably that electromagnetic phenomenon will prove to be of great importance in cosmic physics. [..] No definite reasons are known why it should not be possible to extrapolate the laboratory results in this field to cosmic physics."[20]

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Carl-Gunn Fälthammar wrote: "... emphasize the fact that plasma phenomenon discovered in the laboratory and in accessible regions of space, must be important also in the rest of the universe, which consists almost entirely of matter in the plasma state" Falthammar, C. G. "The Plasma Universe" Basic Plasma Processes in the Sun. Proceedings of the 142nd. Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Bangalore, India, December 1-5, 1989.
  2. ^ Alfvnén wrote that the Plasma Universe is a "...model based on the emissions and behavior of the most prevalent material in the universe.. plasma" Alfven, Hannes, "Model of the plasma universe" (1986) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. PS-14, Dec. 1986, p. 629-638.
  3. ^ Hannes Alfvén, "The plasma universe" Physics Today, Sep 1986
  4. ^ See for example "An Open Letter to the Scientific Community", originally published in New Scientist
  5. ^ Peratt, A. L., "Physics of the Plasma Universe" 372 pp. 208 figs.. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
  6. ^ Hannes Alfvén, "Cosmology in the plasma universe" (1988) Laser and Particle Beams (ISSN 0263-0346), vol. 6, Aug. 1988, p. 389-398
  7. ^ Peratt, Anthony L., "Evolution of the plasma universe. II - The formation of systems of galaxies" (1986) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. PS-14, Dec. 1986, p. 763-778.
  8. ^ Alfven, H.; Carlqvist, P., "Interstellar clouds and the formation of stars" (1978) Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 55, no. 2, May 1978, p. 487-509
  9. ^ Peratt, Anthony L. "Evolution of the plasma universe. I - Double radio galaxies, quasars, and extragalactic jets" (1986) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. PS-14, Dec. 1986, p. 639-660.
  10. ^ Wells, Daniel R.; Bourouis, Mohammad, "Quantization effects in the plasma universe" (1989) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. 17, April 1989, p. 270-281.
  11. ^ Wells, Daniel R., "Was the Titius-Bode series dictated by the minimum energy states of the generic solar plasma?" (1990) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. 18, Feb. 1990, p. 73-76
  12. ^ Peratt, Anthony L., "The role of particle beams and electrical currents in the plasma universe" (1988) Laser and Particle Beams (ISSN 0263-0346), vol. 6, Aug. 1988, p. 471-491
  13. ^ Trubnikov, Boris A. "A new hypothesis of cosmic ray generation in plasma pinches" (1992) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. 20, no. 6, p. 898-904.
  14. ^ Alfven, H. "Cosmology in the plasma universe - an introductory exposition" (1990) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. 18, Feb. 1990, p. 5-10.
  15. ^ Peratt, A. L., "Electric space : evolution of the plasma universe." (1996) Astrophys. Space Sci., 244, 89-103 (1996)
  16. ^ Hannes Alfvén and Gustaf Arrhenius, "Plasma Physics and Hetegony" in Evolution of the Solar System (1976) NASA Publication SP-345
  17. ^ See biography at the end of Alfven's paper "Cosmology in the plasma universe - an introductory exposition", ibid.
  18. ^ See
  19. ^ Alfvén, H., 1937 "Cosmic Radiation as an Intra-galactic Phenomenon", Ark. f. mat., astr. o. fys. 25B, no. 29.
  20. ^ Alfvén, H., Cosmical Electrodynamics, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1950 (Note: this substantially different from the later 2nd edition)

[edit] References

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