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My real name is Peter Nolan. I was born in Mississauga, Ontario, and lived in the small town of Oakville until I was 8 years old. Me and my family later moved across the country to Vancouver, British Columbia, and settled in the town of Port Coquitlam, where I currently live today.

[edit] Interests/Hobbies

That would be me in early February, 2006. This is right after my braces were removed, so I was pretty happy there is no longer a battle of epic proportions in my mouth.
That would be me in early February, 2006. This is right after my braces were removed, so I was pretty happy there is no longer a battle of epic proportions in my mouth.

My primary focus in terms of hobbies is the art of creative writing. I wouldn't call myself a veteran of the skill, but I believe I can safely say that my understanding of the written word has developed greatly over the years. Although many earlier attempts at short novels were unsuccessful, I have found much joy in working on my first real work, The Ocarina of Time, a fan-produced "novelization" of one of my favorite video games, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

As of right now, the book consists of approximately 300,000 words, or 540 pages of 12-font writing on Microsoft Word. What I have written so far can be found here on The Ocarina of Time. I go by the name of Crimson Water, and appreciate all reviews by my readers.

Future plans for further writing include possible works based on Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, and Killer7.

Although I enjoy writing, reading is also a regular passtime. I have recently dove into some of the works of Dean Koontz, and am currently gawking in awe at Dan Brown's famous The Da Vinci Code.

The piano and musical keyboard have always been things that get my brain churning. I began studying the instrument when I was only 7 years old, and have continued to do so for over ten years. I have studied music by the requirements of the Royal Conservatory of Music (Toronto), and passed my Grade 8 exam in early 2005. I have hence removed myself from the world of studying the pieces of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Ludwig van Beethoven, and have simply moved to a phase of listening to other music and transfering it to the keyboard, including many songs from video games. As much as those guys rule, I had to bid farewell for the time being.

I draw occasionally, but not as much as I used to. My style is majorly influenced by anime, but my own touch is added as well. I specialize in drawing females, although males are within my range as well. I have drawn portraits of a few people, and have gotten a few oohs and ahhs for them, and certainly a lot more than my cartoon work.

[edit] Music

I love heavy metal. What can I say? Sure, I like other kinds of music, but for some reason that even I cannot explain, those violent riffs appeal to me a lot more than anything you can really find on the mainstream these days. This is a list of artists that I enjoy, most of which are on my 2GB iPod Nano. Like I said, I like other kinds of music, so you'll find somewhat of a variety on here.

[edit] Video Games

My friends frequently refer to me as "a geek among real men". Although it is a matter of opinion of how much of a man I am, a can't deny I have a prominent geeky side. Video games are a major part of my life (sadly), but they don't control me. Whenever my friends are having fun, I'm having fun with them. Whenever they're sitting around bored, I'm playing video games (or writing, whatever the case may be).

The systems I own are as follows: Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, Playstation 2, Gameboy Color, and a Nintendo DS.

Here is a list of some of my favorite video games, in no particular order.

..and vitrually every other game I own: