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Iaciara is a small town and municipality in northeastern Goiás state, Brazil. The population was 11,758 (2005 projection) in a total area of 1,625.2 km² (10/10/2002).

  • Population density: 7.09 inhab/km² (2003)
  • Elevation: 500 meters
  • Became a city: 1958
  • Postal code: 73920-000

Iaciara is located in Vão do Paranã Microregion, which borders the state of Bahia. The distance to the state capital of Goiânia is 548 kilometers. Highway connections are made by BR-153 / Anápolis / GO-060 / Alexânia / Formosa / BR-020 / Alvorada do Norte / GO-112 for 58 km.

The municipality has boundaries with Posse, Alvorada do Norte, Guarani de Goiás, Nova Roma and São Domingos, and contains the following settlements: Claretiana, Extrema, Levantado and Água Quente.

The main rivers that cross the municipality are: the Paranã, Água Quente, São Bernardo and Prata.

Political data

  • Eligible voters: 7,617 (06/09/2004)
  • Mayor: Adão Luiz Ribeiro dos Santos (January 2005)
  • Vice-mayor: Santino Cardoso da Silva
  • Councilmembers: 09

Demographic data

  • Population growth rate 1991/2000: n/a
  • Population in 1980: 7,974
  • Population in 1991: 9,709
  • Urban population in 2003: 7,754
  • Rural population in 2003: 3,769

Economic data

  • Gross Domestic Product in 2003: R$50.985 million
  • Gross Domestic Product in 2002: R$33.614 million
  • State ranking of GDP in 2002: 128 out of 246 municipalities
  • Classification of GDP in 2002: R$12.208 million (Agriculture), R$4.441 million (Industry), R$15.262 million (Services)
  • PIB per capita in 2003: R$4,399
  • PIB per capita in 2002: R$2,921 (state average was R$5,921)
  • Industrial units: 06 (10/06/2005)
  • Retail units: 102 (abr/2005)
  • Lodging and restaurants: 04 units
  • Banking institutions: BRADESCO S.A (01/06/2005)
  • Dairies: none (07/06/2005)
  • Automobiles: 417 in 2004

Main agricultural activities:

  • Cattle raising: 131,000 head (2005)
  • Poultry: 14,000
  • Agriculture: pumpkins (3 km²), rice (4.3 km²), beans (1.5 km²) sugarcane (0.83 km²), manioc (0.4 km²), corn (10 km²), and bananas (1.9 km²). Statistics are from IBGE

Education and health

  • Literacy rate: 79.5%
  • Infant mortality rate: 20.46 in 1,000 live births
  • Schools: 15 (2005)
  • Classrooms: 87
  • Teachers: 201
  • Students: 4.742
  • Hospitals: 01 (July 2003
  • Hospital beds: 16
  • Walk-in clinics: 06
  • Doctors: 14 (2002)
  • Nurses: 03
  • Dentists: 01

Iaciara is ranked 206 out of 242 municipalities in the state of Goiás on the United Nations Human Development Index with a score of 0.704. Nationally it is ranked 2,925 out of 5,507 municipalities.

Data are from 2000

For the complete list see Frigoletto.com

Sources of data

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