I.Ae. 25 Mañque

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The I.Ae. 25 "Mañque" was an Argentine assault troop/cargo glider designed at the "Instituto Aerotecnico" . The prototype was finished on 11 August 1945, and it flew only once before it was cancelled. Its structure was constructed with Argentine woods: mañio, araucaria and guatambú.

Its design was based on the American military glider CG-4A Waco, its exterior configuration was very similar. It had a crew of 2, and it carried 13 fully loaded soldiers.



[edit] Specifications

General characteristics

Wingspan 25.50 m; length 17.40 m; heigth 3.84 m; wing surface 79.10 m2; empty weight 2460 kg; payload 1122 kg; maximum weight 3582 kg; wing load 45.28 kg/m2.


maximum towing speed 220 km/h; minimum glide speed 61 km/h; landing speed ? km/h; service ceiling ? m



[edit] References

Article on the 50th anniversary of the "Fabrica Militar de Aviones" listing all the aircraft developed and manufactured there since 1927, Aerospacio, Buenos Aires, 1977. (in Spanish)

Article online on the 75th anniversary of the "Fabrica Militar de Aviones", Aerospacio, Buenos Aires, 2002. (in Spanish) [1]

[edit] External links

Development and Specifications (in Spanish)

[edit] Related content

Comparable aircraft

CG-4A Waco, USA 1942

Airspeed Horsa, UK 1942

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