I.Ae. 22 "DL"

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The I.Ae. 22 "DL" was an Argentine advanced trainer designed by the "Instituto Aerotecnico" (AeroTechnical Institute) in 1943. It had a wooden structure, and a radial engine 9 cylinder 450 HP (Ae 16 "El Gaucho") with a Hamilton Standard 2M-D-30 metallic propeller.

The prototype flew the 8 August 1944, but apparently some sources differ with this date. Aproximately 200 aircraft were built. A version with an Armstrong Síddeley "Cheetah" 25 (radial 7 cylinder, 475 HP) and a Rotol constant speed propeller was designated I.Ae. 22 C.


[edit] Specifications

General characteristics

Wingspan 12,60 m; length 9,20 m; heigth 2,82 m; wing surface 23,19 m2; empty weight 1.520 kg; total weight 2.220 kg; wing load 96 kg/m2; weight-power ratio 5,28 kg/HP.


maximum speed 290 km/h at 450 m; cruise speed 260 km/h; landing spreed 110 km/h; service ceiling 5.200 mts; absolute ceiling 6000 m; range 1.100 km / 4 hs 15 min.


2 x 7,65 mm fixed machine guns (450 rounds each) + 3 x 50 kg bombs, or 9 x 15 kg, or 6 x 11 kg rockets.

[edit] See also

  • North American T-6 Texan trainer, a comparable aircraft

[edit] References

  • Article on the 50th anniversary of the "Fabrica Militar de Aviones" listing all the aircraft developed and manufactured there since 1927, Aerospacio, Buenos Aires, 1977. (in Spanish)
  • Article online on the 75th anniversary of the "Fabrica Militar de Aviones", Aerospacio, Buenos Aires, 2002. (in Spanish)


[edit] External links