Talk:Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia

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[edit] Sub-clinical Adrenal Insufficiency as one route to Hypoglycemia

I wish I had more time to post, but there is eveidence, both in Western medicine and also Traditional Chinese Medicien that elevated insulin levels in hypoglycemia may also be due to sub-clinical adrenal insuficency (adrenals not weak enough to be called 'addisons disease' but weak enough nevertheless for adrenals to underperform in their usual role as insulin antagonists).

The adrenals are widely known for temporarily boosting blood sugar during fight or flight reactions-- but one of the many less well known functions of the adrenal glands is to also counteract insulin under non-emergency conditions-- normally pushing insulin levels lower while the pancreatic system pushes insulin higher-- the two opposing systems therefore creating a balance in healthy individuals. In the case of sub-clinical adrenal insufficiencey (also called 'adrenal exhaustion') the weakness of underfunctioning adrenals in relation to healthy pancreas may cause an overabundance of insulin which therefore sets the stage for hypoglycemia. There is also a theory that years of of this imbalance may overwork the pancreas causing it to eventually begin to fail, so chronic adrenal-insufficiency based hypoglycemia may also eventually lead to diabetes. This has at times been called a part of 'Syndrome X', although there are other problems that influence syndrome X as well-- this syndrome may weaken the adrenals initially, or weak adrenals may trigger this syndrome initially.

In any case-- attending to increased support of adrenal function through vitamins, omega oils and Chinese herbs (under the supervision of a clinically trained Chinese herbalist) can help hypoglycemia along with the more well-known dietary changes.

(NOTE: Although Chinese herbs can help greatly-- there are no one-size-fits all Chinese herbs for hypoglycemia-- or any illness-- because Traditional Chinese Medicine works on correcting unique individual imbalances-- therefore a careful individual evaluation must be carried out by a trained professional before Chinese herbs can be safely administered).


Sean7phil 15:22, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Sean7phil 15:24, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

You posted this same rambling nonsense at talk:hypoglycemia where a reply is provided. Your unresearched health fantasies are not so valuable that we need two copies. alteripse 12:05, 9 January 2007 (UTC)