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Triiodothyronine, the most active form of thyroid hormone
ICD-10 E03.9
ICD-9 244.9
DiseasesDB 6558
eMedicine med/1145 
MeSH D007037

Hypothyroidism is the disease state in humans and animals caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland.


[edit] Causes

There are several distinct causes for chronic hypothyroidism in human beings. Historically, iodine deficiency was the most common cause of hypothyroidism world-wide. The disease may also be caused by a lack of thyroid gland or a deficiency of hormones from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary.

Hypothyroidism can also result from sporadic inheritance, sometimes autosomal recessive. It is a relatively common disease in purebred domestic dogs as well, and can have a hereditary basis in dogs.[citation needed]

It is claimed by some in the water fluoridation controversy that hypothyroidism is related to fluoride.[citation needed]

Temporary hypothyroidism can be due to the Wolff-Chaikoff effect.

It is often classified by the organ of origin:[1][2]

Type Origin Description
Primary hypothyroidism thyroid gland The most common forms include Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease) and radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism.
Secondary hypothyroidism pituitary gland Occurs if the pituitary gland does not create enough thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) to induce the thyroid gland to create a sufficient quantity of thyroxine. Although not every case of secondary hypothyroidism has a clear-cut cause, it is usually caused when the pituitary is damaged by a tumor, radiation, or surgery so that it is no longer able to instruct the thyroid to make enough hormone[3]
Tertiary hypothyroidism, also called hypothalamic-pituitary-axis hypothyroidism hypothalamus Results when the hypothalamus fails to produce sufficient TRH.

[edit] Presentation

The severity of hypothyroidism varies widely.

Some have few overt symptoms, others with moderate symptoms can be mistaken for having other diseases and states.

Advanced hypothyroidism may cause severe complications including cardiovasular and psychiatric myxedema.

[edit] Signs and symptoms

Hypothyroidism has been called the "great imitator" for the vast number of medical conditions it can mimic:

"Thyroid hormones are essential and primary regulators of the body's metabolism. Imbalances can affect virtually every metabolic process in the body, exerting significant effects on mood and energy level. Thyroid function has a profound impact on overall health via its modulation of carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism, vitamin utilization, mitochondrial function, digestive process, muscle and nerve activity, blood flow, oxygen utilization, hormone secretion, sexual and reproductive health, and many other physiological parameters." [4]

Conversely, sometimes other conditions can be mistaken for Hypothyroidism.

[edit] General psychological associations

Hypothyroidism can be caused by the medication Lithium which is used to treat Bipolar Disorder (previously known as Manic Depression).

In addition, patients with hypothyroidism and psychiatric symptoms may be diagnosed with:[5]

  • atypical depression (which may present as dysthymia)
  • bipolar spectrum syndrome (including bipolar depression, manic-depression, mixed mania, rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, cyclothymia, and premenstrual syndromes)
  • borderline personality disorder
  • psychotic disorder (typically, paranoid psychosis)
  • inattentive ADHD or more specifically sluggish cognitive tempo

[edit] Adults

In adults, hypothyroidism is associated with the following:[6]

[edit] Pediatric

Hypothyroidism in pediatric patients can cause the following additional symptoms:

[edit] Diagnostic testing

To diagnose primary hypothyroidism, many doctors simply measure the amount of Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) being produced. High levels of TSH indicate that the thyroid is not producing sufficient levels of Thyroid hormone (mainly as thyroxine (T4) and smaller amounts of triiodothyronine (fT3)). However, measuring just TSH fails to diagnose secondary and tertiary forms of hypothyroidism, thus leading to the following suggested minimum blood testing:

  • thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
  • free triiodothyronine (fT3)
  • free levothyroxine (fT4)
  • total T3
  • total T4

Additionally, the following measurements may be needed:

  • antithyroid antibodies - for evidence of autoimmune diseases that may be damaging the thyroid gland
  • serum cholesterol - which may be elevated in hypothyroidism
  • prolactin - as a widely available test of pituitary function

[edit] Treatment

A doctor can perform a blood test to see if a patient suffers from hypothyroidism. A synthetic thyroid supplement can be prescribed, which the patient must take daily to replace the missing hormone. The American Thyroid Association cautions against taking herbal remedies, and warns that taking too much iodine can actually worsen both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.[3]

Patients with psychiatric symptoms (mood or psychosis) and physical symptoms of hypothyroidism, with subclinical hypothyroidism (normal TSH but low free T3) are often treated with thyroid supplement to bring the free T3 levels into the upper range of normal.

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://www.umm.edu/patiented/articles/what_causes_hypothyroidism_000038_2.htm
  2. ^ http://www.pathology.vcu.edu/education/endocrine/endocrine/pituitary/diseases.html
  3. ^ a b ATA Hypothryoidism Booklet, pge 6, American Thyroid Association, 2003. ATA Hypothyroidism Booklet
  4. ^ Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment, Geneva Diagnostics web site article
  5. ^ Current Psychiatry Online, [1]
  6. ^ http://www.thyroid.org/patients/brochures/Hypothyroidism%20_web_booklet.pdf#search=%22hypothyroidism%22