Huseyin Hilmi Isik

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Huseyin Hilmi Isik (March 8, 1911 - October 26, 2001) was a Turkish, Sunni Islamic Scholar.

Isik was born in Eyyub Sultan, Istanbul. He was educated at Halicioglu Military High School, and went on to become the first engineer of chemistry in Turkey. Isik received religious education from profound mujtahid Abdulhakim Arvasi. Huseyin Hilmi Isik was deeply educated in both worldly and religious sciences. He published books in Arabic, Persian and Turkish. Isik's works were translated into many languages including English, German, French, Russian and various dialects of Turkish. His most important book is the ilm-i hâl (a book written by a religious savant in an easily understandable manner in order to teach the common people of the religion.) Seadet-i Ebediyye. Seadet-i Ebediyye was published in English under the title Endless Bliss.

[edit] References

[edit] Quote from Huseyin Hilmi Isik

Zi-hicr-i dositân, hûn şüd derûn-i sîne cân-ı men,

Firâk-ı hem-nişînân suht magz-ı istehân-ı men!


My soul is crying blood in my chest for I have been separated from my loved ones

The separation is burning my bones as I'm without the ones I used to be with