Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem

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In mathematics, Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem bounds the group of automorphisms, via conformal mappings, of a compact Riemann surface of genus g > 1, telling us that the order of the group of such automorphisms is bounded by

84(g − 1).

A group for which the maximum is achieved is called a Hurwitz group, and the corresponding Riemann surface a Hurwitz surface. Because of the equivalence of categories between compact Riemann surfaces and complex projective curves, a Hurwitz surface can also be called a Hurwitz curve. The theorem is due to Adolf Hurwitz, who proved it in 1893.

The conformal mappings of the Hurwitz surface correspond to orientation-preserving isogenies of the hyperbolic plane. In order to make the automorphism group as large as possible, we want the area of a triangular fundamental region to be as small as possible, which means we want

π(1 − 1/p − 1/q − 1/r)

to be as small as possible, where p, q, and r are positive integers defining the vertex angles π/p, π/q and π/r of a fundamental region for a tiling of the hyperbolic plane. Asking for integers which make

1 − 1/p − 1/q − 1/r

positive and as small as possible is a Diophantine question; to which the answer is

1 − 1/2 − 1/3 − 1/7 = 1/42.

Since a reflection flips the triangle, we join two of them and obtaining the orientation-preserving tiling polygon.

A Hurwitz group is characterized by the property that it is a finite group with generators a and b and relations including

a2 = b3 = (ab)7 = 1;

in other words it is a finite group generated by two elements of orders two and three, whose product is of order seven. Hurwitz's result was that we obtain a Hurwitz surface, with the automorphisms maximum achieved, if and only if the automorphism group is a Hurwitz group.

The smallest Hurwitz group is the special linear group L2(7), of order 168, and the corresponding curve is the Klein quartic curve.

Next is the Macbeath curve, with automorphism group L2(8) of order 504. Many more finite simple groups are Hurwitz groups; for instance all but 64 of the alternating groups are Hurwitz groups, the largest non-Hurwitz example being of degree 167.

The sporadic Hurwitz groups are the Janko groups J1, J2 and J4, the Fischer groups Fi22 and Fi'24, the Rudvalis group, the Held group, the Thompson group, the Harada-Norton group,the third Conway group Co3, the Lyons group and best of all, the Monster.