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OneCone (Latin: unus conus) is a small creative community, or forum, that has branched out into several different fields since its creation in 2001. Such fields include, but are not limited to, e-Books, films, internet groups, and novels. As of 2005, OneCone’s primary concern was filmmaking. In 2006, one member of OneCone has been producing novels in addition to films; a musical is also in the works for the distant future.

The OneCone Home Entertainment logo.
The OneCone Home Entertainment logo.


[edit] Etymology

The term OneCone originates from a misreading by one Christopher Merrey in 2001 C.E.; it is told that Chris inspected Timothy S. Maddocks’ mathematics exercise book and misread "1 (one)" for "one cone", thus creating the name.

[edit] eBooks

OneCone members created two e-Books in 2004: Timothy S. Maddocks produced one on the Three Kingdoms period of history in China, the other (produced by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III) on Advanced Weapon Systems, specializing in Weapons of Mass Destruction. However, due to irreversible data loss, the eBook relating to the Three Kingdoms was lost forever. Luckily, the eBook Advanced Weapons Systems was preserved and remains safeguarded from data loss to this very day, with backup versions of the source code kept on multiple digital storage media inside a fireproof safe. Plans to restore and publish both eBooks are underway.

[edit] Films

In 2005, OneCone started to primarily become focused on Film production, and ended up with the short film Helvetica Bros.: Freelance Police. In 2006, members of the community will produce:

  • Helvetica Bros.: Winter of Discontent
  • A Bad Luck Day, and
  • Darkened Horizons

[edit] Helvetica Bros.: Freelance Police

Helvetica Bros.: Freelance Police
Directed by Timothy S. Maddocks
Produced by Timothy S. Maddocks
Matthew Collins
Written by Timothy S. Maddocks
Starring Matthew Collins
Cinematography James Tolson
Distributed by OneCone Home Entertainment
Release date(s) 2005
Running time 10 min.
Language English

A film directed by Timothy S. Maddocks, and starring Matthew Collins, James Tolson and Timothy S. Maddocks.

Plot Summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Max Helvetica (Matthew Collins) goes about his normal day as a private detective, he busts a few criminals, investigates a few murders, until he retires for the day. When he returns to the office, he receives a phone call, and he finds out that his brother has been abducted. It is then up to him to beat the clock to find a cell phone, within the building before it's too late. He encounters an assassin on the way, and dispatches him, only to realize that the abductor has no intent of keeping his brother alive. He reaches the room that his brother is in, and succeeds in killing the abductor, only to be poisoned himself.


[edit] Helvetica Bros.: Stamp of One's Defect

Helvetica Bros.: Stamp of One's Defect
Directed by Timothy S. Maddocks
Produced by Timothy S. Maddocks
Written by Timothy S. Maddocks
Starring Matthew Collins
Music by Dan Liston
Distributed by OneCone Home Entertainment
Release date(s) 2006
Running time ~20 min.
Language English

A film directed by Timothy S. Maddocks and starring Matthew Collins, Michael Torrisi, and Christopher Espino.

Plot Summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The sequel picks up three months after the original left off, with Max Helvetica's brother, Sam investigating his brother's murder. Discoveries are made, which start to make Sam question his brother's motives. With the help of international agencies, he tracks the culprit(s) to Moscow, where a mighty showdown ensues.

[edit] A Bad Luck Day

Current event marker This article or section contains information about one or more scheduled or expected films. The content may change as the film's release approaches and more information becomes available. Upcoming film
A Bad Luck Day
Directed by Matthew Collins
Produced by Matthew Collins
Written by Matthew Collins
Distributed by OneCone Home Entertainment
Release date(s) 2006
Running time 10 min.
Language English

A film directed by Matthew Collins.

Plot Summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

A typical day starts off until one encounter with a mystery man changes everything. After this encounter everything goes wrong for the protagonist (undecided actor). His girlfriend breaks up with him, he gets voted out of his rock band, becomes evicted from his house and gets mobsters after him. All these events lead to his mental breakdown and then results to seeing a psychologist. The twist at the end being that all these events are all related back to the random guy he met at the beginning.

[edit] Darkened Horizons

Current event marker This article or section contains information about one or more scheduled or expected films. The content may change as the film's release approaches and more information becomes available. Upcoming film

Darkened Horizons
Directed by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III
Produced by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III
Written by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III
Starring Timothy S. Maddocks, Jacob Lecki, James Esposito, Graeme Lawler
Music by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III
Cinematography David P. A. Hunter, esq. III
Distributed by OneCone Home Entertainment
Release date(s) 2007
Running time 10 min.
Language English
Budget $500 AUD (est.)

A film directed and written by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III. This was to be OneCone's first feature-length production - the script was written for a three-hour epic - however the length of all OneCone film productions in 2006 have been restricted to a maximum of ten minutes. The original script, which was 107 (A4) pages long, was reduced to only 57 pages in length, which removed more than 75% of the actual storyline. The novel is based on the original full-length script.

Plot Summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

A man is found - stabbed to death - in a shopping centre car park. A horrible twist lurks around the corner for Detective Raoul Hernandez (played by Timothy S. Maddocks) and Chief Master Sergeant Walter T. E. Lawrence Harriman (played by James Esposito) as the two investigators discover that the victim was one of their own.


[edit] Future Projects

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] 1066

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

A film concerning the Battle of Hastings. The film will mainly depict the story as told by the Bayeux Tapestry, however the writers will be abandoning some historical grounding in favour of legend. The screenplay is being written by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III and Timothy S. Maddocks.

[edit] Sweet As Superstar

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

This musical is a parody of the Australian version of Jesus Christ Superstar. Work on the musical commenced in late May 2006, coinciding with the time when the Australian government legalised the use of other Australian works for parody or satire. The musical details the experiences of David P. A. Hunter, esq. III, who works at a lolly and chocolate shop called Sweet As. The lyrics are currently being written by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III, with the hopes that the parody will be recorded and sold on Compact Disc at the front counters of all Sweet As stores throughout Melbourne. Copyright authorisation is, however, pending - OneCone is seeking legal advice on the matter.

[edit] Characters

The following list is of the characters within Sweet As Superstar; the first name is of the character in Sweet As Superstar - the second name is of the character in Jesus Christ Superstar that the first name will be parodying:

Other Sweet As employees will be used to fill the roles of The Mob, The Apostles (parody name: the Cadbury Liason Officers), Hawkers and Canvassers (who parodise Jesus Christ Superstar's Moneylenders and Merchants) and The Crowd.

[edit] King Of The Stone

The screenplay, King Of The Stone, details the legend surrounding King Arthur and his sword, which he pulled out of a stone, known as Excalibur. The story is told from Merlin Ambrosius' point of view. The screenplay is being written by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III, with hopes that it will be submitted to an Australian film-makers' guild for production.

[edit] Terre Atlantus

This film, written by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III, follows the story of two amateur archaeologists - hell-bent on finding the lost city of Atlantis - who discover a 20,000-year-old note - written on stone - in a sealed box underground in eastern Victoria. The message points the duo toward an isolated island off the tip of southern Tasmania. The two make the trek through stormy weather, only to find a small outpost-like structure that a professional friend of the protagonists carbon-dates back to around 58,000 B.C.E. The tale ends with the duo finding yet another message inside the structure, detailing that Atlantis is, in fact, under the ice of the Arctic circle. A sequel is to be written immediately after the completion of work on the original screenplay.

[edit] Novels

Since the start of 2006, David P. A. Hunter, esq. III has been working on two novels:

  • Darkened Horizons, and
  • Murder On Black Street.

[edit] Darkened Horizons

This is an extended adaptation of the screenplay by David P. A. Hunter, esq. III. It details an investigation of the murder of a police constable by a hit man.

[edit] Murder On Black Street

Work on this novel commenced in May 2001, however due to school workloads, David P. A. Hunter, esq. III had to delay its production until mid-2006. The novel tells the story of a young woman who believes that she is being stalked by a friend, who is rumoured to be associated with the Mafia.

[edit] Internet Groups

Late in 2004, the Internet Message Board group, ‘’’Welcome To The Boards Group’’’ (WTTBG), was established. The group would roam many Internet message boards, contact new users (or even some older ones) and declare: "WELCOME TO THE BOARDS". The group mainly inhabited message boards, but did eventually spread to other boards. WTTBG spawned two spin-off groups: ‘’’THREAD REJUVENATORS’’’, who would pick up an old thread on a message board, post something in it, and therefore rejuvenate the topic, and the ‘’’Vader Loves You Group’’’.

[edit] Misleading OneCone titles

OneCone International is a doppelganger for the OneCone community; it is often placed on One Cone work as a sort of in-joke. The Holy OneCone Empire was a fictional title for the group created by troubled people unhappy with the direction of the majority of the group.

[edit] The Holy OneCone Empire

The Holy OneCone Empire was a fictional title for OneCone International created by troubled people unhappy with the direction of the majority of the group. OneCone co-founder and current president Timothy S. Maddocks allegedly created the official religion of the empire, known as Dead Actorism. Since the creation of the article, however, Mr. Maddocks denies any and all allegations of involvement in the Empire.

[edit] OneConia

Plans were made to build a gigantic steel submersible plate that would support a city and soil approximately 10 metres thick. The plate was to be circular in shape, with a radius of approximately 30 kilometres. A city, Eugerocha (pronounced "you-shay-ro-sha") was to be built atop the plate and would thrive to be the capital of the newly found island nation OneConia, named after OneCone.

A smaller, satellite city, Atlantis, was also planned to be built; it's name originating from the Lost City of Atlantis. The steel plate was to have hyperdrive generators in-built into the bottom and sides, allowing for intergalactic travel. An energy shield, similar to that protecting Atlantis, would protect the inhabitants from any harmful objects or conditions, including incoming hostile objects (such as aircraft and missiles) and the vacuum that is space (during space travel). This shield would also permit the submersing of the entire ‘’pseudoisland’’ under an ocean, making the two cities ideal for evil scientists and evil geniuses to dwell.

All of the island, including the shield and the hyperdrive generator, would be powered by a single Hunter Foam Generator unit, which harnesses the instability caused by Quantum Foam. This device is similar to a Zero Point Module, however this design has a greater chance of actually working (even if it is small, it is still better than the ZPM).

[edit] Dead Actorism

Dead Actorism is the fictional religious belief of members of the fictional Holy OneCone Empire; it deifies legendary deceased actors and actresses. It was allegedly created by Timothy S. Maddocks in late 2005. While many deceased actors and actresses were deified, only three were notably so:

A scanned image of The Holy Emparchment Pertaining To The Gods Of The Holy OneCone Empire shows that over 40 individual actors and/or actresses were deified; to add to the controversy of Mr. Maddocks' involvement in the Empire, these names are clearly written in Mr. Maddocks' handwriting.

So far, only The Supreme Being has been identified as actually believing in Dead Actorism as their chosen faith.

The Holy Emparchment lead to the parable of The Pepsi Of Biblical Proportions, which details the end of the world.

[edit] The Messiah

On The Day Of Reckoning (1st June, 2006 C.E.), David P. A. Hunter, esq. III dreamt a vision from the holy gods; he saw The Messiah - a man with Kirk Douglas' chin and Anthony Quinn's beard. The man also donned Laurence Olivier's eyes, and Peter Ustinov's oversized stomach.

OneCone Productions
Timothy S. Maddocks films Helvetica Bros.: Freelance Police (2005), Helvetica Bros.: Stamp Of One Defect (2006), Behold The Man: The Story Of Pontius Pilate (2007).
Timothy S. Maddocks eBooks The Three Kingfoms (2004).
David P. A. Hunter, esq. III eBooks Advanced Weapon Systems (2004).
David P. A. Hunter, esq. III films Darkened Horizons (2006).
David P. A. Hunter, esq. III novels Darkened Horizons (2006), The Search Trilogy (2006), Murder On Black Street (2000-2008).
David P. A. Hunter, esq. III musicals Sweet As Superstar (2006).
Benjamin Sensouvanh films Soon To Be Handycapped (2006).
Wikipedia articles Icebird (2006), Richard III (2006), De La Salle College, Australia (2006), Atlantis (2006), Where is Atlantis? (2006), OneCone (2006), David P. A. Hunter, esq. III (2005- ), Pilot (2006), Stargate (2006), De La Salle College Malvern (2006 - ), Colonel Alexander Chekov (2006), Steve Irwin (2006), Kenny (2006), Astral Diner (2006), Daniel Jackson (2006), Ascension (2006), Deep Space Carrier (2006), Ori (2006), Charles Hapgood (2006), Desert glass (2006), Ben-Hur (2006), Spartacus (2006), BAFTA Award for Best Actor (2006), T. E. Lawrence (2006), Chopper Read (2006), System Lord (2006), Glory (2006), Strategic Air Command (2006), NATO (2006), Capital punishment (2005), Jack O'Neill (2005-2006), Control Bus (2005), YTMND (2005).
Matthew Collins films Bad Luck Day (2006).
Wikipedia templates OneCone (2006), Laurence Olivier (2006).
Wikias Double Oh Wiki (2005), StargateWars Wikia (2006).
StargateWars accounts ZPMMaker (2005), Yefgeni (2006), Terra Forma (2005), Ionist (2005), Lord Maat (2005), ZPMDesigner (2006), torrim (2006), Unity (2006).
OneCone recipes Mum's Old-Fashioned Compost Soup, Chunder Stew, Mother's Ghoul-Ash.
Artistic folios David P. A. Hunter's Year 10 Studio Arts Folio (2004), David P. A. Hunter's VCE Studio Arts Unit 1 Folio (2005), David P. A. Hunter's VCE Studio Arts Unit 2 Folio (2005), David P. A. Hunter's VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 Folio (2006), David P. A. Hunter's VCE Studio Arts Unit 4 Folio (2006), David P. A. Hunter's VCE Media Unit 3 Production Design Plan (2006), Timothy S. Maddocks' VCE Visual Communication and Design Unit 1 Folio] (2005), Timothy S. Maddocks' VCE Visual Communication and Design Unit 2 Folio (2005), Timothy S. Maddocks' VCE Visual Communication and Design Unit 3 Folio (2006), Timothy S. Maddocks' VCE Visual Communication and Design Unit 4 Folio (2006), Timothy S. Maddocks' VCE Media Unit 1 Production Design Plan (2005), Timothy S. Maddocks' VCE Media Unit 3 Production Design Plan (2006), Matthew Collins VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 Folio (2006), Matthew Collins VCE Studio Arts Unit 4 Folio (2006), Matthew Collins VCE Media Unit 3 Production Design Plan (2006), Matthew Collins VCE Media Unit 1 Production Design Plan (2005), Matthew Collins' VCE Visual Communication and Design Unit 1 Folio (2005), Matthew Collins' VCE Visual Communication and Design Unit 2 Folio (2005), Matthew Collins' VCE Visual Communication and Design Unit 3 Folio (2006), Matthew Collins' VCE Visual Communication and Design Unit 4 Folio (2006).
OneCone personelle Timothy S. Maddocks, Maddocks' brother, David P. A. Hunter, esq. III, Dan Liston, Benjamin Sengsouvanh, Brendan Chung, Christopher Merrey, Christopher Espino, Matthew Collins, Edward Dorian, Jakub Ļecki, Charles Cattermole, Euan Walmsley, John Tsaousidis, James Esposito, Simon Finlay, James Moloney, Michael Keating, Carey Watkins, Anthony Vanzella-Riggio, Bianca Bristow, Graeme Lawler, Michael Petrucelli, Samuel Williams, Joe Maher, Bradley Wood, Richard Dean Anderson, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge, Michael Shanks, Ben Browder, Dan Shea, Beau Bridges, Gary Jones, Laurence Olivier, Anthony Quinn, Dennis Loft, Douglas Esler, Glenda Daley, Anthony Eid, Nicholas Weller, Callum Vass, Tony Curtis, Kirk Douglas, Jake Ellis, Benjamin Robson, Kieran Davies, Adrian Zorro Matarazzo, Richard Komiaszyk, Chrisopher Fleming, Eve McClellan.