Hundred Family Surnames

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The Hundred Family Names (Chinese: 百家姓; pinyin: bǎijiāxìng) is a classic Chinese text composed of common surnames in ancient China. The book was composed in the early Song dynasty. It originally contained 411 surnames, but was later expanded to 504. Of these, 444 are single-character surnames, and 60 are double-character surnames.

The text is organised in lines of four characters each. For the first 32 lines, the last character of every second line rhymes with ang (Pinyin).

The surnames are not listed in order of popularity. The first four surnames listed are believed to derive from the most important families in the empire at the time: Zhao (赵) is the family name of the Song dynasty emperors. Qian (钱) is the family name of the kings of Wu-yue. Sun (孙) is the family name of the queen of Wu-yue. Li (李) is the family name of the kings of Southern Tang.

[edit] Family names in the Hundred Family Names

赵钱孙李 周吴郑王 冯陈褚卫 蒋沈韩杨 朱秦尤许 何吕施张
孔曹严华 金魏陶姜 戚谢邹喻 柏水窦章 云苏潘葛 奚范彭郎
鲁韦昌马 苗凤花方 俞任袁柳 邓鲍史唐 费廉岑薛 雷贺倪汤
藤殷罗毕 郝邬安常 乐于时付 皮卞齐康 伍余元卜 顾盈平黄
和穆肖尹 姚邵湛汪 祁毛禹狄 米贝明藏 计伏成戴 谈宋茅庞
熊纪舒屈 项祝董梁 樊胡凌霍 虞万支柯 昝管卢英 万候司马
上官欧阳 夏候诸葛 闻人东方 赫连皇甫 尉迟公羊 澹台公治
宗政濮阳 淳于单于 太叔申屠 公孙仲孙 辕轩令狐 钟离宇文
长孙幕容 司徒师空 颛孔端木 巫马公西 漆雕乐正 壤驷公良
拓趾夹谷 宰父谷梁 楚晋阎法 汝鄢涂钦 段千百里 东郭南郭
呼延归海 羊舌微生 岳帅缑亢 况后有琴 梁丘左丘 东门西门
商牟佘耳 佰赏南官 墨哈谯笪 年爱阳佟 第五言福 百家姓续

[edit] See also

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