Hump (comics)

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Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance New Mutants #91
Created by
Species Human Mutant
Affiliations Morlocks
Abilities super-strength, reflexes and endurance.

Hump is a fictional character, a mutant in the Marvel Comics Universe. His first appearance was in New Mutants #91.

Hump and his brother Brute accompanied Masque in confronting Sabretooth, one of the Marauders from the notorious Mutant Massacre. They attempted to claim Sabretooth's life, but the mutant Caliban seemingly slew Sabretooth before they could do so.

Hump and Brute tried to help Masque capture Feral, but they failed, she escaped into the sewers.

Brute, Hump, and Masque followed Feral and found her in the X-Mansion. After the New Mutants defeated members of the Protectorate, Masque told them to give Feral back to them but Cable refused. Brute threatened Cable and Cable shot him in the head. Masque and Hump then decided to leave.

[edit] Powers

Hump has superhuman strength and endurance. He is also taller than a normal human and has better reflexes. He is also apparently highly resistant to injury. Hump's body was also covered with smooth green fur.