Humanity Is the Devil

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Humanity Is the Devil, is an album by Autopsia, released in 1995 by the German label Hypnobeat (LC6821.3429-2 1995 Hypnobeat Records).

[edit] Track listing

Autopsia Humanity Is The Devil cd
Autopsia Humanity Is The Devil cd
  1. Prologue/Herr, ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn
  2. Je suis la resurrection/Ich bin die Auferstehung - Maint theme from The Pillow Book (film) dir. Peter Greenaway
  3. Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt/Car Dieu a tant aime le monde
  4. Bienheureux ceux qui sont morts/Selig sind die Toten
  5. De Lamentatione
  6. Epilogue
  7. One Day

[edit] External links

[edit] Genre

minimal music, industrial, ritual, neoclassical