Huasta District

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Huasta is a district of the province of Bolognesi, in the Ancash Region of Peru.

The district of Huasta that has by capital Villa de Huasta, belongs to the province of Bolognesi, in the department of Ancash. Its Temple is located in the Jr Grau, in front of the Seat of Arms and is Monument declared by Supreme Resolution Nº 505-74-ED of date 15.10.74.

That is not counted on documentation credits the property of the building, nor the original area of this one.

The district of Huasta, province of Bolognesi exists as so from the the 28.01.1863 Law of and its capital “Villa de Huasta” were elevated to that rank by Law of the 15.11.1909; it has great lands of sembrío. Its seat of arms is located to the center, with four longitudinal streets and seven cross-sectional streets, all totally paved with stones.

It does not exist at the present time documents that indicate the date of their Spanish foundation, but is of supposition that Huasta was founded by the Spaniards between years 1535 and 1540, where were based many towns previous approval of the missionaries of the king, it is very possible that Huasta was colonized by the Dominican Parents.

Huasta occupies a plain in height to 3.375 meters on the level of the sea; one is located in the left band of the river of Chiquián.

The Temple of Huasta esteem that began to be constructed in 1575 in the monarchy of king of Spain Felipe II, whose government was characterized by the defense of the catholicism. The religious work entrusted to the Archbishop Toribio to him Rodriguez de Mendoza during the mandate of 5º Virrey of Peru Don Francisco Toledo.

The Church is of Colonial style and dates from century XVI and its construction is characterized by the fusion of the Hispanic art - Peruvian, being of marinates, with ceiling of wood and clay roofing tile.

In the facade they are distinguished: San Pedro and San Pablo; San Francisco; the image of the Virgin Maria and angels, and in the top of the facade the Eternal Father.

The main Temple in its right flank has a tower constructed of marinates, where Lucia three Mariangolas bells, but as a result of the earthquake of 1970 collapsed. The bells that exist at the present time are not the original ones.

In the last launching slip of the Frontispiece (before arriving at the door of the Temple) still two holes are distinguished where two logs that served to discipline to the feligreses of that then, to this one place of punishment were located was called the Trap to him.