Huaraz Satyricon

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The Huaraz Satyricon is an amateur movie theatre, located in Huaraz, Peru. It is run by a U.S. expatriate and a Peruvian partner out of their home. The theatre shows a diverse range of films every week, ranging from Casablanca, to Barbarella, to The Motorcycle Diaries all played with Spanish/English subtitles. Entry costs four soles, with customers ranging from weary ice climbers to Huaraz natives. Popcorn is offered free of charge, and alcoholic beverages, soda, milkshakes, and home made goods are for sale. A substantial library of western philosophy is located beneath the movie screen, but for the sake of being polite, an English-deprived traveler should restrain oneself from asking to borrow any of the books.

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[Huaraz Satyricon Cine Productions inc.]Producer Steve Hyde

is a collaborative film production company specializing in films made in Ancash Peru. The company shot their first film "Shika" in September of 2006. Post production is scheduled for completion: February 2007.