Huallanca District

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Huallanca is a district of the province of Bolognesi, in the Ancash Region of Peru.


[edit] Time Preinca

Archaeological rest in places next to Huallanca Exist that are testimonies of the presence of inhabitants of that time are located in the heights of the Chaqpa hill, in Chaupiloma, pertaining to the Huaylas culture (800 Years Before Christ), contemporary with the Chavin culture.

On the individual loarte Arteaga exists an ample study of Fredy, granting to him a special importance on the basis of the vestiges found of textileria, ceramics, utensils of marine origin, tombs, etc.

In relation to the archaeological center of Chaqpa, a seat opened in form of L, one stands out before seat, a platform for I publish, perrons, compartments and runners, this considered for a place for ceremonies, is located to the Southeastern of Huallanca in the gorge of the Huaylas River.

[edit] Time Incaica

About this time one does not have greater references than the indicated one by the Spanish cronistas on the existence of two bridges on the river Santa, like part of the ways of the Inca, After being put under by the Pachacutec Inca.

To the north of the present population according to the cronista Miguel de Estete; two constructed suspension bridges with twisted heavy ropes of fibers of the maguey crossed the river santa and with railings woven with he himself material, one of them was main, reserved the single one for the passage of the Inca and the nobility; the other was destined for the people of the town whose administration was the responsibility of a doorman who opened and closed passes and received portazgo that was a species of tax in food for the maintenance of the doorman.

[edit] Time Of The Conquest

Wise person Santiago Antunez de Mayolo, in his work “STORY OF an IDEA TO HIS ACCOMPLISHMENT OR the HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION OF the TUBE OF the DUCK”, gathers the following reference in the plateau of Pachma we found old the way imperial by which Ernando Pizarro I enter the Alley of Huaylas its trip to Pachacamac to gather the treasures for the rescue of Atahualpa. He himself way followed Francisco Pizarro with its concubine Doña Ines Huaylas Ñusta in its march Cuzco and many other personages of Conquista. Such way was wide and stone embroidering arriving until as opposed to the present station of Huallanca km 138 of the railroad of Chimbote, from where the river descended as it is possible to be seen by the rest of a white stone wall in the skirt of the hill on Santa. According to the relation of Estete it crossed Santa by means of two bridges of rattans: One for the Inca and Nobility and the other the Town soon to descend to Huaylas, such bridges caused such admiration to the Spanish then did not exist in Europe suspension bridges and of rattans.

[edit] Time Of The Virreynato

special references do not exist either, being deduced that I comprise of the group of judges of huaylas, property of the encomenderos Mejía and Alba.

[edit] Republican time

With the height of the mining production in 1860con mining the intention to unite the deposit of the alley of Huaylas, to facilitate its exit by the port of chimbote was approved the project of construction of the railway line of 29 km of extension of Chimbote-chuquicara-Recuay, by means of law of 8 of November of 1864, whose construction was entrusted to Ing. Enrrique Meiggs during the government of president Jose Balta, beginning its construction the 9 of June of 1871.

The works were made in three stages or sections, first of chimbote to planks inaugurated in 1877 a year later until the spurt, the second stage of planks to Chuquicara in 1892 by means of contract with the Peruvian Pacific Rainway and in 1920 until Huallanca with a length overall of 137 km and later advanced 13,5 km in the branch without sleepers nor rails until I kill.

The railroad and the station of Huallanca, I mean the sprouting of the first urban concentration, favoring the socioeconomic development of the districts of Yuramarca, huaylas, caraz and including the province of Yungay, dinamizando the commerce with the coast, being a safe and comfortable route but like also for the product interchange, but the earthquake of the 70 with the avalanche that I originate arrazo with a good part of the line, causing its total disappearance, that is lamented, culminating therefore a stage of prosperity that was complemented with the hydroelectric power station.

With the construction of the power station of the tube of the duck, thanks to the vision of aijino wise person Santiago Antunez de Manolo, Huallanca initiates one second stage of height, that stays marking the rate of its present existence. Of 1913 to 1916 Antunez I make studies for the use of great fall d the river Santa in the Tube of the Duck, with a view to the fertilizer manufacture, contiguous to the Electrical Power station also projected by him with 220,00 HP of installed power, makes that it tried to install was for producing denominated installment CIANAMIDA CALCIA, using like raw materials the stone coal, the lime and it nitrogenates atmospheric. For it I form the “Hydroelectric Company of the Tube of the Duck” in Lima in 1916, with the deputies Arturo White F. of Huaylas and Manuel Pastor de Lambayeque, presented/displayed to the government the study under the denomination of “Project of the Seaplane-Electro-Chemistry Installation of the Tube of the Duck”, the one that fure approved by R.S of the 7 of July of 1916, but which could not be carried out because of World War I. In 1941 Jones presented/displayed the second project with Ing. Barton M. (North American), being created the Peruvian Corporation of Santa by D.S of the 4 of July 1943, leaving the purpose of the fertilizer manufacture by the implantation of the iron and steel industry in Chimbote. The reason of because it wanted Antunez to produce fertilizers, had to that it was a quoted product very in Europe, but was avoided at that time by the abundance of the guano of the islands, considering itself like inexhaustible.

Another special note is that also it is between the projects of the Tube of the Duck, one that it indicates that with the overflow of the not used excessive water in the turbines of the Hydroelectric Power station, the formation of a great cataract of near 550 meters of height that is 11 times upper than the cataract of the Niagara and 5 times greater than the cataract Victory on the Zameza river in the Africa of the South, but this was modified by Barton.

On the form since he made the finding in his studies of this photographic particularitity of the Tube of the Duck, the own wise person refers in his writings the following thing: “We remembered that when a morning we arrived with the topographical surveys of the Condorllán, we could contemplate in panoramic vision on the one hand the beautiful Alley of Huaylas, by another one I finish of the Tube with the plateau of the Quitaraxa river in the environs of the orchards of Huallanca, they seemed then to listen to the whistle of the locomotive of the railroad of Chimbote Huallanca, the piteo of the chemical factories and to see the movement of the personnel of engineers and workers. The repetition of the miracle of the great hydroelectric power stations of Rjukan and of the chemical factories of Saaheim in Norway, turning what always the Tube of the Duck like a serious obstacle for the construction of the railroad to Recuay, in source of wealth and progress for Ancash; in sum in a blessing of the nature; but lamentably it was not possible to be endorsed to that genius to make reality completes this vision, having itself gotten at the overflow of the ingratitud when the Power station was inaugurated, to be placed individual plates recordatorias with the names of the engineer and political Directors, but the name was not considered the author of the colossal project, and less still they invited it to the act.

Another detail that puts in relief the work of the wise person, was after to have made several trips, already in the heat of Alley of Huaylas and when lowering to the denominated zone Duck, I observe that in its aneroid one it marked to an unevenness of 500 meters of height between the entrance and the exit of the Tube of the Duck in a distance of 13 km, and on the individual says: “So enormous Era the fall which I believed or to me to have mistaken in the readings or that the apparatus had moved during the trip. Plenty of emotion first and assaulted by the doubts later, I gave return back returning to Huallanca to verify such result, being been convinced that one was not any error and that in the Tube of the Duck there was a gigantic much more important waterfall that the one of Rjukan in Norway. “After this discovery we were those that we could not sleep, we felt like the hen that habia found one pepa of gold”. The conclusion of this work this related to the government of the architect Fernando Belaunde Terry, because by means of his personal visit in 1981 it inaugurated third and it completes stage of the power station.