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J.P. Truss
J.P. Truss

Joel Paul (J.P.) Truss (1987- ), is a conservative African American political commentator, author, and a talk radio host. Truss deals mostly on social topics and is a frequent critic of political correctness, environmentalism, PETA and GLSEN.


[edit] Personal Background

Truss was born January 5, 1987 in Decatur, Georgia the older of two siblings. He attended both private and public schools, graduating in May 2005 from Cedar Grove High School in Ellenwood, Georgia .

He currently resides in Nashville, Tennessee while he attends Tennessee State University.

[edit] Radio Show Host

In September 2005, Truss was brought in to co-host

[edit] Political Stance and Opponents

Truss is a self identified 'traditional conservative'. He is a supporter of President George W. Bush in both the 2000 and 2004 elections and normally side with the Republican Party on issues including the War in Iraq, Taxes, and Social Security although.

[edit] The VOX Magazine

In April 2004, a youth newspaper in Atlanta called VOX published an issue dealing exclusively on homosexuality in public schools. The paper featured articles on bisexuality, roles in lesbian relationships, and transexual teenagers. Truss responed with a critique of the entire issue. Most of the critque was cut, however.

In September 2005, the VOX Magazine published an edition which pushed mostly liberal issues. Some of the issues stated were Truss again responded with a critque and a challenge to a debate on the issue. The challenge has, as of October 13, 2005, not been answered.

[edit] GLSEN

After the 2004 case Flores Vs. Morgan Hill in California, Truss has become a vocal critic of Gay-Straight Alliances and GLSEN; siting the lack of regulations over materials used in the club meetings. More recently, he has voiced his support for State Senate Bill 149 (in Georgia) which would require parental permission for students to participate in after-school activities. The bill has been derided by the ACLU as homophobic. He was also a supporter of the 2004 Marriage Amendment in his home state of Georgia which overwhelmingly passed.

[edit] PETA

He often criticizes veganism and animal rights advocates, deriding most of their stance especially on fish. He admits to reading PETA materials every now and then, though. Although it's usually while eating a hamburger. He is currently finishing his first book Love It or Leave It, which chronologs the anti-war movement and it's radical tactics.

[edit] Abortion and Jessica's Law

Truss supported the Partial Birth Abortion ban after doing a article for his school paper on the procedure. While legally allowed to preform abortions, Truss has suggested more rules concerning the procedure such as a 24 hr waiting period, age restrictions for minors, and of course a ban on late term abortions. Truss is also major advocate of strict child molestation laws and supports making pedophilia a federal crime in the United States.

[edit] Political Ambitions

Truss has expressed desires to run for the Georgia General Assembly after college. If that happens, it will most like be in 2010 or 2012.

[edit] Criticisms of Truss

Accusations of transphobia are common with Truss due to his intolerance of the transgendered. He has often been quoted calling it a "sham".

[edit] Books

Love It or Leave It (Expected Winter 2005)

[edit] Website