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HPBSD was a port of the 4.3BSD Unix operating system to the HP 9000, developed at the University of Utah's Systems Programming Group.

HPBSD development started in 1987. The goal was to replace HP-UX (a System V-derivative) with a BSD environment on the HP machines at Utah's CS department, for improved compatibility with VAXen running BSD and Sun workstations running SunOS. The port was completed within a month, thanks to an older port of BSD to the HP 9000/200.

A distinguishing feature of HPBSD was binary compatibility with HP-UX.

The HP 9000 support code from HPBSD was later merged back into the main BSD source tree, and appeared in 4.3BSD-Reno.

The last release of HPBSD was in April 1993. As of 1999, there were still a few machines running HPBSD.

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