Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think

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Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think
Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think

Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think is a festschrift of 25 essays written in recognition of the life and work of Richard Dawkins. It was published in 2006, to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the publication of The Selfish Gene. A wide range of topics are covered from many fields including evolutionary biology, philosophy, and psychology. Space is also given to writers who are not in full agreement with Dawkins. The book is edited by Alan Grafen and Mark Ridley.

[edit] Contributions

  • Biology
    • Andrew F. Read – Ballooning Parrots and Semi-Lunar Germs
    • Helena Cronin – The Battle of the Sexes Revisited
    • John Krebs – Richard Dawkins: Intellectual Plumber—and More
    • Michael Hansell – What is a Puma?
  • The Selfish Gene
    • Marian Stamp Dawkins – Living with The Selfish Gene
    • David Haig – The Gene Meme
    • Alan Grafen – The Intellectual Contribution of The Selfish Gene to Evolutionary Theory
    • Ullica Segerstråle – An Eye on the Core: Dawkins and Sociobiology
  • Logic
    • Daniel C. DennettThe Selfish Gene as a Philosophical Essay
    • Seth Bullock – The Invention of an Algorithmic Biology
    • David Deutsch – Selfish Genes and Information Flow
    • Steven Pinker – Deep Commonalities between Life and Mind
  • Antiphonal voices
    • Michael Ruse – Richard Dawkins and the Problem of Progress
    • Patrick Bateson – The Nest's Tale: Affectionate Disagreements with Richard Dawkins
    • Robert Aunger – What's the Matter with Memes?
  • Humans
    • Martin Daly & Margo Wilson – Selfish Genes and Family Relations
    • Randolph M. Nesse – Why a Lot of People with Selfish Genes Are Pretty Nice Except for their Hatred of The Selfish Gene
    • Kim Sterelny – The Perverse Primate
  • Controversy
    • Michael Shermer – The Skeptic's Chaplain: Richard Dawkins as a Fountainhead of Skepticism
    • Richard Harries – A Fellow Humanist
    • A. C. Grayling – Dawkins and the Virus of Faith
    • Marek Kohn – To Rise Above
    • David P. Barash – What the Whale Wondered: Evolution, Existentialism, and the Search for "Meaning"
  • Writing