House of Savoy

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Italian Royalty
House of Savoy

Victor Emmanuel II
   Princess Marie Clothilde
   Umberto I (born 1844)
   Amadeo I, King of Spain (born 1845)
   Maria Pia, Queen of Portugal (born 1847)
    Vittoria (born 2 December 1848)
   Emanuele Alberto (born 16 March 1851), Count of Mirafiori and Fontanafredda.
   Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Aosta
   Vittorio Emanuele, Count of Turin
   Luigi, Duke of Abruzzi
   Umberto, Conte of Salemi
Great Grandchildren
   Amedeo, Duke of Aosta
   Amedeo, King of Croatia
Great Great Grandchildren
   Margherita, Archduchess of Austria-Este
   Princess Maria Christina
   Amedeo, Duke of Aosta
Great Great Great Grandchildren
   Princess Bianca
   Aimone, Duke of Apulia
   Princess Mafalda
Umberto I
   Victor Emmanuel III
Victor Emmanuel III
   Princess Yolanda
   Princess Mafalda
   Umberto II
   Giovanna, Queen of Bulgaria
   Princess Maria
Umberto II
   Princess Maria Pia
   Victor Emmanuel, Prince of Naples
   Princess Maria Gabriella
   Princess Maria Beatrice
   Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice and Piedmont
Great Grandchildren
   Princess Vittoria
   Princess Luisa

The House of Savoy ( Italian: Casa Savoia) is a dynasty of nobles who traditionally had their domain in Kingdom of Sardinia, a state which, in 1860, became the Kingdom of Italy. Thus, the house was the Italian reigning house until 1946. They once had claims on the modern canton of Vaud in Switzerland, but their access to it was cut by Geneva during the Protestant Reformation, after which it was conquered by Bern. Though originally a poor duchy, later heirs to the throne were diplomatically skilled, and gained control over strategic mountain passes in the Alps. This caused the great powers such as France, England, and Spain to take the dukes' opinions into account.

The monarchy ended with the 1946 referendum by which Italians chose the republic as the form of state (see also birth of the Italian Republic). Under the Constitution of the Italian Republic, male descendants of the House of Savoy were forbidden from entering Italy. This provision was removed in 2002.

The house descended from Humbert I, Count of Sabaudia (or "Maurienne")/ Umberto I "Biancamano"), (10031047 or 1048), and includes the Counts of Savoy, the Dukes of Savoy, the Kings of Sardinia, and the Kings of Italy. Piedmont was later joined with Sabaudia, and the name evolved into "Savoy" (Italian "Savoia").

The Residences of the Royal House of Savoy in Turin and the neighbourhood are protected as a World Heritage Site


[edit] List of rulers

[edit] Counts of Savoy

Main article: County of Savoy

Main Branch

[edit] Dukes of Savoy

Main article: Duchy of Savoy

[edit] Kings of Sardinia

Kingdom of Sardinia map
Kingdom of Sardinia map
Main article: Kingdom of Sardinia

Savoy-Carignano Branch

House of Savoy Coat of Arms on 1861 flag of Italy
House of Savoy Coat of Arms on 1861 flag of Italy

[edit] Kings of Italy

Main article: Kingdom of Italy

[edit] Rulers of other countries

[edit] Heads of the House of Savoy since 1946:

As of July 7, 2006, the leadership of the House of Savoy is now contested by two cousins:

See also: Lists of incumbents, List of Presidents of the Italian Republic

[edit] Name, motto, titles

Name of the dynasty: Reale Casa di Savoia

Motto: FERT

The Motto is believed an acronym of
  • "Foedere Et Religione Tenemur" (We will be kept together by the [constitutional] pact and by religion)
but others suggest:
  • "Fortitudo Eius Rhodum Tenuit" (His strength preserved Rhodes). This refers to Duke Amadeo V "the Great" (1249-1323), who fought against the Saracens at the siege of Rhodes in 1310.
  • "Fortitudo Ejus Rempublicam Tenet" (His bravery preserves the Republic)
  • "Fides Est Regni Tutela" (Faith is the protection of the kingdom)
  • The proposed origin from "Femina Erit Ruina Tua" (Woman will be your ruin) is obviously only a satire.
  • Another famous spurious satire is "Frappez, Entrez, Rompez Tout!", roughly translated from the French as ("Knock, get in, then break everything!") It is supposedly a French witticism mocking the freebooting foreign policies of Duke Vittorio Amadeo II.

[edit] Titles of the Crown of Sardinia

VITTORIO AMEDEO III, per la grazia di Dio Re di Sardegna, Cipro, Gerusalemme e Armenia; Duca di Savoia, Monferrato, Chablais, Aosta, e Genevese; Principe di Piemonte ed Oneglia; Marchese d'Italia Saluzzo, Susa, Ivrea, Ceva, Maro, Oristano, Sezana; Conte di Moriana, Geneva, Nizza, Tenda, Asti, Alessandria, Goceano; Barone di Vaud e di Faucigny; Signore di Vercelli, Pinerolo, Tarantasia, Lumellino, Val di Sesia; Principe e Vicario perpetuo del Sacro Romano Imperio in Italia.

The English translation is: Victor Amadeus III, by the Grace of God, King of Sardinia, Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia, Duke of Savoy, Montferrat, Chablais, Aosta and Genoa, Prince of Piedmont and Oneglia, Marquess in Italy, of Saluzzo, Susa, Ivrea, Ceva, Maro, Oristano, Sezana, Count of Maurienne, Geneva, Nice, Tende, Asti, Alessandria, Goceano, Baron of Vaud and Faucigny, Lord of Vercelli, Pinerolo, Tarantasia, Lumellino, Val di Sesia, Prince and perpetual Vicar of the Holy Roman Empire in Italy.

[edit] Titles of the Crown of Italy

Victor Emmanuel II, by the Grace of God and the Will of the Nation, King of Italy, King of Sardinia, Cyprus, Jerusalem, Armenia, Duke of Savoy, count of Maurienne, Marquis (of the Holy Roman Empire) in Italy; prince of Piedmont, Carignan, Oneglia, Poirino, Trino; Prince and Perpetual vicar of the Holy Roman Empire; prince of Carmagnola, Montmellian with Arbin and Francin, prince bailliff of the Duchy of Aosta, Prince of Chieri, Dronero, Crescentino, Riva di Chieri e Banna, Busca, Bene, Brà, Duke of Genoa, Monferrat, Aosta, Duke of Chablais, Genevois, Duke of Piacenza, Marquis of Saluzzo (Saluces), Ivrea, Susa, del Maro, Oristano, Cesana, Savona, Tarantasia, Borgomanero e Cureggio, Caselle, Rivoli, Pianezza, Govone, Salussola, Racconigi con Tegerone, Migliabruna e Motturone, Cavallermaggiore, Marene, Modane e Lanslebourg, Livorno Ferraris, Santhià Agliè, Centallo e Demonte, Desana, Ghemme, Vigone, Count of Barge, Villafranca, Ginevra, Nizza, Tenda, Romont, Asti, Alessandria, del Goceano, Novara, Tortona, Bobbio, Soissons, Sant'Antioco, Pollenzo, Roccabruna, Tricerro, Bairo, Ozegna, delle Apertole, Baron of Vaud e del Faucigni, Lord of Vercelli, Pinerolo, della Lomellina, della Valle Sesia, del marchesato di Ceva, Overlord of Monaco, Roccabruna and 11/12th of Menton, Noble patrician of Venice, patrician of Ferrara.

These titles were used during the unified Kingdom of Italy which lasted from 1860-1946[1].

[edit] Dynastic orders

The House of Savoy has held two dynastic orders since 1434, which were brought into the Kingdom of Italy as national orders. Although the Kingdom of Italy ceased to exist in 1946, King Umberto II did not abdicate his role as fons honorum over the two dynastic orders over which the family has long held sovereignty and grand mastership. The following are the dynastic orders of the Royal House of Savoy. Today, HRH Victor Emmanuel, Prince of Naples is hereditary Sovereign and Grand Master of these orders.

Recently, all three of Victor Emmanuel's sisters (HRH Princess Maria Pia of Bourbon-Parma, HRH Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy, and HRH Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy) resigned from both of these dynastic orders, alleging that memberships in the orders had been sold to unworthy candidates, a newfound practice they could not abide. [2]

In addition to these, the House of Savoy claims sovereignty over the Civil Order of Savoy, and the Order of Merit of Savoy, which are merit orders of the Royal House.

[edit] See also

[edit] Further reading

  • Cox, Eugene L. The Eagles of Savoy: The House of Savoy in Thirteenth-Century Europe. Princeton University Press, 1974.

[edit] External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
  1. Official website of the Royal House of Savoy, Dukes of Aosta
  2. Brief history of the House with a picture of coat-of-arm
  3. Genealogy of recent members of the House
  4. House of Savoy fansite
  5. The_Heads_of_House_of_Savoy