House of Responsibility

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After the FPÖ (Austrian Freedom Party) took part in the government under Jörg Haider, the “Braunauer Rundschau” (Braunau review) started to collect signatures under the slogan “Braunau setzt ein Zeichen” (Braunau sets a sign). Dr. Andreas Maislinger, a political scientist from Innsbruck reacted on the call and suggested setting up a House of Responsibility (HRB) in the house where Adolf Hitler was born.

The “Braunau review” presented the idea on May 4, 2000:


Volunteers from EU-countries, Austrian Zivildieners and former Auslandsdieners should work and live together in the house. Because of this there should take place a constant exchange of ideas. The ‘House of Responsibility’ should be something completely new, split into three stories, where the ‘unwanted inheritance’ and the refurbishment of the background of the NS should take place on the first floor. The second floor will be devoted to the present, and concrete help for people will be offered for example by the “Austrian Association for Service Abroad” and also by human rights – and third-world projects. On the third floor ideas for a more peaceful future should be worked out.

The project couldn’t be realized in the following years and only the idea of taking responsibility remained. In 2005 the owner of a house close to where Hitler was born offered his house for the project.

[edit] See also

Egon Ranshofen-Wertheimer Award, Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service, Austrian Peace Service, Austrian Social Service

[edit] External link