House of Caboga

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Coat-of-arms of the House of Caboga
Coat-of-arms of the House of Caboga

The House of Caboga, was one of the most recognized and oldest in the Republic of Ragusa, originating from the 8th century. Many of its members were dukes (Croatian: knez) of the Republic. The Austrian Empire recognized its long-standing nobility in 1818 and 1833 were with the grade of Count/Graf.

[edit] Famous members

  • Franz Blasius Maria Martin Graf Caboga born in 1781.
  • Bernhard Franz Maria Graf Caboga, general-director, 6 febrary 1785, Ragusa, 19 November 1855, Viena, married in 1833 with the widow Princess Julianne Wanda of Potocki, 1788, 18 September 1876 in Lemberg, not have any children. (the first husbund of Julianne Wanda of Potocki was Count Cajetan of Uruski, 1 June 1817, 5 April 1827). notes(Tr.d. Klemens Grafen C. u. d. Maddalena geb. von Ghetaldi; Ragusa. 9 Jun.1834, + Wien....1916)
Ragusan house of Caboga
Ragusan house of Caboga
  • Blasius Philipp Anton Johann Franz Caboga, * 25 May 1774 + 13 May 1854, married in 1806 with Maria Caterina V.Sarocco. They have two children:
  • Marie Bernhardine Anna Grafin Caboga 20 November 1856 Ragusa 19 November 1938, Trieste(notes: tochter des 1.Marz 1881 zu Wien + Patriziers von Ragusa, k.k Kammerers, Majors d. R. Mitgliedes des Herrenhauses MVK (KD)....), married with Albert Ritter Conti v.Cedassamare(ALBERT Justus Franz Hannibal Stefanborn) in Trieste 4 June 1853 + 6 April 1900 Trieste, they have five sons:
Albert Conti
Albert Conti
  • Martha Maria Conti v.Cedassamare, born in Trieste 1 Febrary 1883.
  • Peter (PEDRO) Maria Ritter Conti v.Cedassamare, born in Trieste 29 June 1884, died (daselbst) 6 April 1886.
  • Justus (GIUSTO) Maria Ritter Conti v.Cedassamare, born in Trieste 22 November 1885, died (daselbst) 26 Marz 1886.
  • Albert Ritter Conti v.Cedassamare(also Albert Conti)( ALBERT Maroica Blasius Franz Maria)29 January 1887, Görz, and died 18 January 1967 in Hollywood, California, USA, was an actor, but first he specialized in law (high school and law college in Graz)and natural science, married with Patricia Cross.
  • Maria Concetta Conti v.Cedassamare, born in Pola 5 December 1892.
  • Anna Marie Enrichetta Luigia Grafin Caboga 20 June 1858, date of death uknown), married with Luzian v.Ziegler-Pozza,(T.d. VizeAdmirals i. R.) died 8 September 1930 Ragusa. They had one daugther:
Hugo Seyffertitz
Hugo Seyffertitz
  • Helene v. Ziegler-Pozza, who born in Pola 3 March 1889 and died Baden, Viena 2 February 1968, she married with Hugo Theobald Alfons Karl Maria Freiherr von Seyffertitz,(KorvKpt. i. R) who born in Brixen 23 September 1885 and died Baden, Viena 10 June 1966.
Bernhard Caboga
Bernhard Caboga
  • Bernhard Blasius Maroica Johann Maria Graf Caboga 21 April 1863 in Ragusa, 10 May 1922 and died in Waltendorf near Graz, Austria, he was Austrian consul in Jerusalem. He bought in 1869 at Tantur in Bethlehem the area that was called the Tower of Jacob and Ephrata. There in 1876 the Hospice of the Order of Malta was opened. In 1900 after the death of Francesco Ghetaldi-Gondola, Bernhard litigate in the courts of Vienna, the fideicomis instituted by Vlaho Gundulic in 1649 by the possession of Trpanj, (La disposizione testamentaria del Signor Biagio di Gondola registrata nelli testamenti di Notaria de 1658, p 51 li 18 dicembre 1643 é quella, la qualle porge materia della presente lite pertenente tra il. Sig. Bernardo Biagio di Caboga da una parte, e tra li figliuoli del quondom Sig. Francesco Ghetaldi e Orra Gondola Reis dall ´altra, sopra la propieta di Turpugn pretesa dal dettosig. Sigismondo Caboga dottore a titolo di primogenitura instituita dal predetto testatore Gondola e contesali dalli Reis in qualitá di credi testamentari del signor Sigismondo Domenico Gondola, dal quale essi pretendono di averla libera da ogni vincolo e gravame imposto dal testatore.) He married with Marie Valerie Freiin v.Locatelli , * 4 June 1870 Angoris
  • Johann Bernhard Franz Graf Caboga born in 1808, k.k kammerer and major married in 1838 with Wilhelmine v.Privitzer, daugther of Alois v.Privitzer(Comdt.beim General-stabe (Rang 1.Nov.1880, died in Vienna 1902), they have one daugther;
  • Maria Bernhardine Cäcilie Wilhelmine Caboga born in 1839.

[edit] references

  • HEYER v. ROSENFELD, Carl Georg - "Der Adel des Königreichs Dalmatien", in Siebmacher Bd. IV, 3. Abteilung, Nürnberg 1873. Caboga - Seite 6, 101, XXII, Tafel 3
  • Stratowa - Wiener Genealogisches Taschenbuch, Caboga, Band 2, Seite 96 (Namenserwähnung).

[edit] External links