House Trevalion

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In Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series, House Trevalion is the reigning duchy of Azzalle, a northern province of Terre d'Ange. Their emblem consists of three ships and the Navigator's Star.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Members of House Trevalion

Baudoin is the son of Lyonette and Marc, a Prince of the Blood through his mother. He is sentenced to death for high treason.

Bernadette is the daughter of Lyonette and Marc, a Princess of the Blood through her mother. When Baudoin and Lyonette are sentenced to death for treason, Bernadette goes into exile with her father. When Marc is recalled from exile, Bernadette is betrothed to Ghislain de Somerville to cement Trevalion loyalty.

Gaspar is the Comte de Fourcay, kinsman to Marc, a great friend of Anafiel Delaunay. Gaspar has grey-streaked hair, and informs Anafiel about the political machinations of Lyonette. Anafiel testifies on his behalf at the trials of the Trevalion family, and Gaspar is acquitted of any wrongdoing.

Lyonette is the younger sister of Ganelon de la Courcel, a Princess of the Blood, wed to Marc, called the "Lioness of Azzalle". She is sentenced to death for high treason.

Marc is the reigning Duc de Trevalion, wed to Lyonette. As he knew of the plots of his wife and son to overthrow the throne of Terre d'Ange but did nothing to stop them, he is banished when they are sentenced to death; Marc would have shared their fate but for the intervention of the Dauphine Ysandre, who suggested the softer fate. It is Ysandre who later recalls Marc from exile.