House L'Envers

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In Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series, House L'Envers is one of the foremost noble families of Terre d'Ange. The seat of their duchy is in Namarre, their colors are purple and gold, and their crest is a bridge over a fiery river. Violet eyes are a trait typical to members of the House.

[edit] Members of House L'Envers

Barquiel is the full brother of the dead Isabel and the reigning Duc of the House.

Isabel is the deceased wife of Rolande de la Courcel, a murderess who gave birth to one daughter, and was herself killed by members of the Stregazza family.

Valere is the daughter of Barquiel, whom he weds off to Sinaddan-Shambarsin, the son of the Khalif.

Ysandre de la Courcel is the daughter of Isabel.