Horsey Horsey

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Horsey, horsey is a nursery rhyme.

Horsey, horsey don't you stop
just let your feet go clippety clop,
the tail goes swish
and the wheels go round,
giddy up, we're homeward bound.
Horsey horsey on your way
We’ve done this journey many a day
Let your tail goes swish
and the wheels go round,
giddy up, we're homeward bound."
We ain’t in a hurry
We ain’t in a flurry
And we don’t go tearing down the road
We ain’t in a hustle
We ain’t in a bustle
And we ain’t gone a very heavy load
I'm gonna take my horse and buggy
I'm gonna travel all around
I wanna hear those feet go clip clop
I wanna see those wheels go round
Horsey, horsey don't you stop
just let your feet go clippety clop,
the tail goes swish
and the wheels go round,
giddy up, we're homeward bound.

This can be sung as a round