Horror Stories (magazine)

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Horror Stories was a U.S. pulp magazine that published tales of the supernatural, horror, and macabre. The first issue was published in 1936, three years after the weird menace genre had begun with Dime Mystery Magazine, and the Horror Stories title went on to become one of the major pulp magazines of the 1930s. Magazines such as Horror Stories set a benchmark in macabre storytelling that inspired many of the U.S. horror comics from their appearance in 1947.

The title was published by Harry Steeger and Harold Goldsmith, trading as "Popular Publications, Inc." Horror Stories was issued were luridly illustrated with damsel in distress covers. mostly executed by artist John Newton Howitt (1885-1958). Only one original cover painting has survived.

Due to the nature of its content and its relatively short run of 47 issues, Horror Stories is now one of the most sought-after collectable pulp titles. In 2005, Black Mask magazine published a facsimile of Horror Stories issue 1, first issued Jan 1935.

[edit] Further reading

  • Jones, Robert (1978). The Shudder Pulps: A History of the Weird Menace Magazines of the 1930s. ("A history of the weird menace magazines, such as Horror Stories, Terror Tales & Dime Mystery.")

[edit] External links