Horia-Roman Patapievici

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Horia Roman Patapievici (born March 18, 1957, Bucharest) is a Romanian writer.

He graduated from University of Bucharest's Faculty of Physics in 1981, university degree about lasers. Post-graduate, Faculty of Philosophy, thesis " Philosophyc imaginary of physics. Pierre Duhem case". Scientific researcher (1986-1994), university assistant (1990-1994), director of Center for German studies, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Philosophy (1994-1996).

Tempus - Paris (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Ve Section, November-December 1992),
Goethe Institut - Frankfurt am Main (Stipendium zur wissenschaftilchen aus - und fortbildung in Deutschland, December 1994 - June 1995),
Eminescu Trust - Oxford (Oriel College: September 1999).

He was a member of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (2000-2005). He resigned with Andrei Plesu from this position in protest against political pressures on the committee. President of Romanian Cultural Institute since 2005, lecturer, visiting professor, tv producer for TVR-Cultural (Romanian national television, cultural channel) - "Idei in libertate" (2002), "Inapoi la argument" (2005), director of "Idei in Dialog"(ID) magazine, member of Group for Social Dialogue (GDS), Pen Club/Romania, Romanian Writers Association/Romania, one of the founders of Research Group for Essentials in European Modernity, honorary member of Ludwig von Mises Institute/Romania. Press debut in 1992, "Contrafort" magazine, contributions in the following magazines: 22, LA&I, Dilema (now Dilema Veche), Orizont, Vatra, Secolul 20, ID. Permanent contributions in 22 (1993-2003), LA&I (2003-2004), Dilema Veche (2004-2005) and ID (since 2005)


[edit] Work

[edit] Books

  • Cerul vazut prin lentila (The Sky seen through the Lens), 1995
  • Zbor in bataia sagetii (Flying against the Arrow), 1995
  • Politice (Politics), 1996
  • Omul recent (The Recent Man), 2001
  • Ochii Beatricei (Beatrice's Eyes), 2004
  • Discernamantul modernizarii (Discernment of Modernization), 2004

[edit] Translations

(in collaboration) David Bohm, Plenitudinea lumii si ordinea ei (The Wholeness of the World and the Implicate Order), 1995.

[edit] Audiobooks

  • Schimbarea subiectului - o reverie (The change of subject - a dreaming), 2004
  • Spartura din cer (The breach from the sky), 2003

Mr. Patapievici is well-known for his advocacy of right wing libertarianism on economic policies and of conservative views on cultural matters.

[edit] Awards

  • Essay Prize of the Publishing House Nemira, 1993
  • Début Prize of the Association of Professional Writers, 1995
  • Prize for Journalism of the Cultural Magazine "Cuvintul", 1995
  • Man of the Year Prize of the Cultural Magazine "Cuvintul", 1995
  • "Alexandra Indries" Prize of "Societatea Timisoara", 1995
  • National Board for Audio-Visual Prize, best cultural TV Production, 2003
  • APTR Prize (Romanian Association of the Professionals in Television).

[edit] External links

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