Horatio Caine

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CSI: Miami character

Horatio Caine
Gender Male
Hair color Ginger/Red
Birthdate April 7, 1950
City Miami
Rank Lieutenant
Position Supervisor of the Miami-Dade Crime Lab
Current status Alive
Known relatives unnamed parents (deceased), Raymond Caine (brother, alive), Marisol Delko Caine (wife, deceased), Yelina Salas (sister-in-law), Ray Caine, Jr. (nephew), Madison Keaton (niece)Eric Delko (brother-in-law)
Portrayed by David Caruso
First appearance Cross Jurisdictions

Lt. Horatio Caine is a fictional character in the series CSI: Miami, and is played by actor David Caruso.


[edit] Head of the Crime Lab

Caine is currently a supervisor at the Miami-Dade crime lab, a forensic analyst and former homicide detective and bomb squad officer (his forensic speciality is arson and explosion evidence). He is very protective of his team, who affectionately call him "H." He is very concerned about the reputation of his lab, and takes great care to keep them clean, perhaps because of his experience with his tarnished younger brother, Ray. Unlike his counterpart in Las Vegas, Gil Grissom (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation), he does not hesitate to carry or use a weapon. In the first two seasons, Caine carried a 9MM Beretta Cougar on the job. Since the beginning of season three, he has been shown carrying a SIG-Sauer P229. He is very insistent on gun maintenance, especially since team member Tim Speedle was killed in a shootout after his gun misfired. One of Caine's reasons for selecting Officer Ryan Wolfe as Speedle's replacement is Wolfe's compulsive care of his firearm.

At the end of Season 2 (episode 223, "MIA/NYC - Nonstop"), Caine travels to New York City in pursuit of a murder suspect and meets Detective Mac Taylor and his team, inaugurating the first season of CSI: New York. Caine later reunites with Detective Taylor and the New York CSIs to track down and arrest the murderer, Henry Darius, who would be extradited to Florida to face the death penalty (CSI: Miami episode 407, "Felony Flight," CSI: NY episode 207, "Manhattan Manhunt").

He has many recurring enemies throughout the series, from serial killer Walter Resden to abusive Internal Affairs Agent Rick Stetler to the corrupt judge Joseph Ratner (Resden and Ratner have since been arrested). Some he thought put away for good come back to haunt him. Clavo Cruz, serving a life sentence for murdering a woman (episode 201, "Blood Brothers," episode 315, "Identity"), escapes custody in a dramatic rocket attack on a courthouse (superficially injuring coroner Alexx Woods). Cruz then kidnaps a court stenographer and forces Horatio to bring him $1 million dollars in exchange for her location. It is all a set-up, however, and Caine and Delko are ambushed on the roof of a parking garage. Though Horatio shoots down one man and escapes without injury, Delko is critically wounded even as Caine fires at the fleeing gunmen (episode 514, "No Man's Land"). Horatio eventually forces Cruz out of hiding by removing all his avenues of escape. Cruz approaches Horatio outside the Miami-Dade Crime Lab, and Caine kills Clavo with a single shot to the chest (episode 515, "Man Down").

[edit] Life Before CSI

Before he moved to Miami, Caine lived and worked in New York. It was there that he killed the man who murdered his mother — his own father. He was also badly stabbed while investigating a case in which children were locked in closets while their parents were murdered. The perpetrator, Walter Resden, harbored a deep grudge against Caine, collecting the blood from the stabbing and preserving it for 10 years in order to frame him for the murder of Caine's girlfriend, Rachel Turner (episode 406, "Under Suspicion"). Caine is later forced to shoot Resden (episode 415, "Skeletons").

After his arrival in Florida, Horatio joined the Miami-Dade Police as a homicide detective but later transferred to the bomb squad, where he was mentored by Al Humphries, an older cop, who is later tragically killed when he accidentally triggers a bomb he is attempting to disarm. Finally, Caine moves to the Crime Lab, accepting a promotion to lieutenant (which earned him the animosity of Sergeant Rick Stetler, who was also vying for the rank). When veteran CSI Megan Donner goes on personal leave following the death of her husband, Horatio becomes the permanent head of the lab (episode 1.01, "Golden Parachute").

[edit] Personal Life

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Caine's original backstory, revealed over the course of the first three seasons, revolves primarily around his relationship with his late brother Raymond Caine, also a police officer, and with Raymond's widow, Detective Yelina Salas. It was revealed in the Season 3 finale (episode 324, "10-7") that Raymond's apparent death had actually been staged to enable him to go deep undercover to gather information for a government investigation. Since the temporary resolution of that storyline, the show has begun to explore a new part of Caine's history: the events surrounding his mother's murder. In the episode "Manhattan Manhunt", a continuation of "Felony Flight", Caine is momentarily interrupted on his case when he is served with a subpoena. In "Nailed", Caine informs the rest of the CSI team that he had recently been charged by a district attorney in New York with the murder of the man who killed his mother. It is later revealed in "Collision" that this man was actually Caine's own father.

Caine was briefly married to Eric Delko's sister Marisol, who was shot by a Mala Noche gang member and later died (episode 424, "Rampage"). He pursued the man who ordered the hit on her, Antonio Riaz, all the way to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, and eventually killed him in hand-to-hand combat after Riaz brutally beat Caine's brother Raymond to death and attempted to corrupt Ray's son, Ray Jr. (episode 501, "Rio"). As Eric Delko lays in critical condition in the hospital following a near-fatal gunshot to the head several months later, Horatio and the other team members take turns at his bedside. Delko, his memory impaired by his wound, asks Horatio where Marisol is. Caine, nearly in tears, is unable to say the words, but Eric interprets his silence and sheds wordless tears as they both mourn her death anew (episode 515, "Man Down").

Perhaps because he has lost several family members to violent crime, Caine is determined to the point of obsession to put criminals behind bars. Caine also advocates the death penalty, and is not afraid to threaten suspects with it (CSI: NY episode 207, "Manhattan Manhunt").

He is very protective of crime victims, often going so far as to give them his phone number should they need to talk. He remains very close to a lot of victims of crimes that he investigated, and some from cases he worked in New York have actually followed him to Miami. He is very sensitive to the plight of children, and reserves a special wrath for those who would hurt them, even against opposition from outside sources (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode 222, "Cross Jurisdictions," CSI: Miami episode 503, "Death Pool 100", episode 407, "Felony Flight," episode 417, "Collision," et al.).

After Speedle's death, Caine has a recurring nightmare in which he (Caine) is the one whose weapon misfired. Rather than talking with a counselor, as Interal Affairs officer Rick Stetler orders, he instead works it out with his girlfriend, State Attorney Rebecca Nevins (episode 310, "After the Fall".) He breaks up with her, however, after she makes a deal with a criminal he helped arrest (episode 313, "Cop Killer"). He later dates Rachel Turner, who is murdered by Walter Resden in an attempt to take revenge on Caine for "embarrassing" him in New York about a decade earlier (episode 406, "Under Suspicion").

[edit] Trivia

  • Caine is revealed to have worked in New York City before joining the Miami-Dade Police. Coincidentally, Caruso starred in the first two seasons of NYPD Blue as Detective John Kelly.
  • In the Crime Scene Investigation episode "Cross Jurisdictions", Caine says his parents named him for the 19th century American author Horatio Alger.
  • His trademark is putting on and removing his sunglasses (a pair of Silhouette Titanium Model 8568 with special dark polarized lenses), often several times in an episode. Online fans have begun to refer to the pair of sunglasses as the "Sunglasses of Justice."
  • Caine often stands sideways to the person he is speaking to and tilts his head slightly. Additionally, he frequently smiles flirtatiously at his primary suspect. He often refers (with unusual frequency) to his colleagues by name while engaged in dialogue with them and is known for making vague statements suggesting he may know more than he lets on.
  • Originally, the character was to be named "Horatio Sands", which is not named after the fired Saturday Night Live performer Horatio Sanz.
  • Caine is the only character to have appeared on all three CSI series.

[edit] Horatio One-Liners

  • "They say that roaches and duct tape will survive the end of the world"
  • "Drive-by, Miami style."
  • "... when you're in Miami, we never close."
  • "This place is a buffet for these creeps."
  • "Let's go talk to the other Russian, the cousin, before he chokes on a Twizzler."
  • "Tomorrow is what you make of it."
  • "Next time you want to take a swing at someone, start with me."
  • "Everyone has something to hide."
  • "He is a liar. I just don't know what the lie is yet."
  • "You lied to me." (A common Caine catch phrase addressed to suspects; sometimes voiced by other characters on the show.)
  • "When you have everything, sometimes it feels like nothing."
  • "Bag it, tag it and let's see what else is there!"
  • (To Eric Delko)"If we want to be effective on this job we have to survive, too."
  • "Alright, be on the lookout for an Eastern European male with bad teeth who may have access to an ape."
  • (In response to a murderer who asks if Caine wants to know why he killed people) "You just killed four innocent people. You're evil. You enjoy death. I hope you enjoy your own."
  • "You guys couldn't find your ass with both hands."
  • "Burn baby burn."
  • "You make me sick."
  • "Fingerprints are like old habits. They die hard."
  • (In response to a meth addict who asked him how he knew a specific detail of a murder) "I'm magic."
  • "If I find out you did this you are going to pay."
  • (To Ryan Wolfe) "That's quite a case of OCD, Mr. Wolfe."
  • "Hold tight, it's about to get interesting"

[edit] External links

CSI: Miami
Characters: Horatio Caine | Calleigh Duquesne | Eric Delko | Tim Speedle | Frank Tripp | Natalia Boa Vista | Ryan Wolfe | Alexx Woods | Vallera
Episodes: List of CSI: Miami episodes
Executive producer: Jerry Bruckheimer
Creators: Anthony E. Zuiker | Carol Mendelsohn | Ann Donahue
Related Series: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation | CSI: NY
Other: CSI: Miami | List of CSI: Miami Japan voice actors | List of CSI: Miami Korea voice actors | Official homepage
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