Talk:Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

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[edit] Committee members

Hi - I don't think we need a detailed list of all the committee members. This informaiton will probably change and will need constant maintanence if we want it to continue to be accurate. I also don't think this informaiton is too important to the public. Any thoughts? 0101jade06 11:00, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Yes, I agree. I think we need to focus on the quality of our informaiton from now on. We should work on making our informaiton more precise and relevant. Any other ideas? 0101jade06 10:39, 31 October 2006 (UTC)


I just came back from the tutorial, maybe we need to spend more time on discussion part, additionally, in my point of view, there have been enough information on our main page, the work we need to do is making it look better and prettier? what's your opinion?

--0101maggie06 11:00, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Reformatting the article

Hi guys. i'm terribly sorry for being away during the reading week. i realised that the page is way way longer than i had left it. i personally think that it is too much for one to absorb for a wikipedia page. so i'm suggesting some changes that we all can help contribute in. I think with an outline, it will be clearer on what should and should not be in the article. these are just some suggestions. please add on or delete whatever you feel is necessary. thanks!

here goes.. first and foremost, i feel that the logo and gif on the page is unnecessary. it appears way to huge on my screen (like 3/4 of my screen taken up by the HKFWS logo) could anyone resize it and just put it into a small right hand column? i apologise at my disability of controlling the image buttons. maybe the person who put up the image could do it?

right hand column with logo. we could perhaps state the slogan, type of org, founded, headquarters, key people, employee no., issues concerned with, and website.

this would show a short summary of the page.

next the article will have a written version of this summary.. then we'll add the contents page.

i feel that the contents page should include. 1.History 1.1 HKFWS 1.2 Offices 1.3 Funding 2.Activities and Issues concerned with 3.See Also (for other relevant issues) 4.Notes & References 5.Related Articles 6.External Links

Under section2 i feel the issues that HKFWS really deals with is fostercare services, childcare, homehelp&community, divorce mediations, needs for single parents, elderly care, and family life education.

through here i think we can have a little write up of everything. just short simple paragraphs. i think 2-3paras are good. these issues can also be a good guideline on where we should have internal links and external links and related articles. please add on if you feel i missed out something important.

next, i think we should cut out all the organisation head people and their predecessors and successors, etc. the offices could be summarised and outsourced to links that you've found the info from. similarly, the speeches made, the person who contributed can you add it under the related articles or under 3.see also. this will ensure that the article will not be too wordy and risk deletion.

i'm going to try editing the page and setting out the new headings. if you guys feel that it is unnecessary later on then we'll just revert it back to how it was. so good luck to me in editing this.

lets try to make this a good one aye? =]

thanks. xuecanfly!


That sounds good, although, I feel a little regrettable for the effort we made before. After the tutorial, I began to know what's the difference between wikipedia and the official website. It is unneccerary to copy or translate the information from the website to our article, maybe, we need more creations by ourselves. what about you guys?

BTW, The logo part is put by me, first of all, I only tried to put an image into our article, which may make our website more creative, however, I have no idea how to imporove the quality, sorry, I just change it a little smaller, hope it looks better

Thanks. --0101maggie06 14:00, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Editing of article

hey there.

i've already edited the article to a something somewhat more concised piece. please please please help edit it further. i'm not sure if we should include all the publications and events or just pick a few. also i hope the image appears correctly on your screens cos mine suddenly changed from mega huge to the slim one i see now (which i'm quite happy with!!) hah.

i'm not sure if you guys still want to add in a heading for concerned issues that the society would be interested in. such as foster care and all. i'm not sure how to integrate the part of all the talks and seminars that maggie initially added in. maybe we can still edit it in into a small part. anyone has any other images to add in? taking it from the official website seems kinda unethical. not sure how you guys want to ractify that.

some misc stuff that i want to bring up while editing..

1. Research area ( i left a part of it there) we could expand on this area by adding links that maybe someone can go find in the library? i've checked the dragon and i don't see anything thats similar. but i could have missed something out.

2. Fund Raising Activities this would be a good section to add photos. any contributions? or know where to get images for such events in archives? maybe someone could add the significance of having fund raising activities? or experiences of this particular activity held by HKFWS?

3. Related Articles the 1st three speeches. does the contributor have the sources of these? maybe you can add the link or the place where you got them.

i hope i didn't butcher whatever was already in there. like i said, if you guys feel that you don't like it. we'll just revert it back to the original one. oh yea.. please respond here ok? (i really hope i didn't offend anyone. pardon me and i apologise before hand)

thanks 0101xuecanfly06 15:03, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

hey jade,

i think there was a clash of editing when we both saved our pages. i'm not sure if mine overwright yours. i'm so sorry. maybe you can look through what's missing and add it in ya?

thanks 0101xuecanfly06 15:06, 31 October 2006 (UTC)


The related articles is from the website, however, which is the chinese version, and I translated to enligh version and put into the article, I am sorry, that I haven't saved the translation after putting into the article, maybe, I can try my best to find the source of the chinese version.

That's fine, no problem, I apprecited your atribution to our project, everyone is working hard for the better result, we can understand. The only purpose is making better and better, right?

Best --0101maggie06 02:30, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Hi, Yes, I think you did a good job with re-formatting. Several of my edits are still there, so don't worry. I've also added a few things and re-formatted some other. I thought we could include a section called Structure and just list the various committees. I've put the volunteer section under that heading. I think we could use some more photos.0101jade06 02:49, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

ya the structure is a good idea. i think we'll summarise the general depts and list it out.. so it won't take up too much space. don't need the names of the individuals and all. anyone know where else to get photos? i think we're lacking it too. but i'm not sure where we should find them..

it looks much neater now with alphabeticised links!

anymore headings we should add? concerns of the society maybe?

update me. i've got so many tests i'm going crazy! and falling sick. =\

0101xuecanfly06 08:44, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

oh ya maggie, about the speeches. maybe you can just add in the link off the website after the title of the speech and dates.. and include a disclaimer saying that the article is in chinese.

0101xuecanfly06 08:49, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

ok, It will be done in five minutes. Thank you for your efforts. --0101maggie06 09:00, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] reverting funding section

hi sarah. i feel that the original funding layout was better. writing it down in a sentence seems more logical as our page already has alot of lists/listings. if we put it in a short paragraph it would seem like we've given more thought to it, instead of mere listing out what we have researched on. but if anyone else feels that we should list it instead, then we'll leave it.

oh yea. and you didn't add back the internal links for the hk jockey club, etc.

0101xuecanfly06 08:44, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] the last stretch

hey people. as you might already tell, i've added a few images with my very bad photoshop skills. i hope i didn't infringe on any copyright law and whatever... i've also moved certain headings around and edited the grammar and rephrased some of the sections. i also deleted most of the publication titles as i think it's unnecessary. there's still time, so try to fine tune everything else.

note to Tutor in-charge: i'm adding the link to the original page that jade, sarahwk and i had initially wrote our contributions starting from the 22nd-28th Oct. i think this is just for grading references. after which the duplicate article can be deleted.

thanks 0101xuecanfly06 11:47, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

DON'T PANIC. I have added a tag to the top of the page saying that this article is to be deleted. This is just so the history of the two articles can be merged; the article will be immediately and automatically restored once this is done. A history merge is needed when a page is renamed by creating a new page and copying the information over instead of using the move function. --Geniac 15:29, 2 November 2006 (UTC)
I have done the history merge. Morwen - Talk 15:32, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

Phew. Thanks for your help. 0101jade06 15:37, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

ok. for a moment. i wanted to hyperventilate!!! thanks for your help!

0101xuecanfly06 15:40, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

Wow, that was fast! Thanks, Morwen. --Geniac 15:42, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The last six hours

Hi guys, I am so sorry for the absent for Nov. 2, and it is so teasy that my computer was attacked by computer shock wave, which make me not contact with the internet yesterday, even worse, now I can not enter the windows page, maybe it will be sent to be repaired tomorrow.

Luckily, my roomate agree to lend her labtop to me this evening, so I will try my best to compensate.

Come on, guys, let us work together for a better and more brilliant creation, I began to get used to take wikipedia same as my email, although I think there is not enough space for us to exploit in this topic, however, which is also a meaningful project.

Best --0101maggie06 12:05, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Editing

Hi guys - from now on we should not add on any new information. Lets just work on editing the stuff we already have.0101jade06 10:01, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

OK, I agree, btw, should we put some photos to consummate our article, or just edit the words we have. maybe we need some more follow up

--0101maggie06 13:58, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

I don't really think we need any more images. I think if we add more it will be over-kill. I've gone through the entire page section by section and done some editing. Maybe if we all do that at least once, we can catch all of the errors. 0101jade06 10:42, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

ok, add oil!! --0101maggie06 13:58, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

Hi, I just went through the article several times, and made some changes on the grammer, however, I feel a little puzzled about the function of the wikipedia, which is certainly different from the official website, is it neccessary to add more comments into the article of wikipedia or just make some conclusion of the multitudinous information. What should the readers want to get from wikipedia, and what is the unique function of wikipedia, except the communication stage for us.

As far as I know, wikipedia is blocked in mainland china, so it is a new thing for the mainland people, even, most of them have no idea about this new issue, I think that must be some precious and important information different from the other mediums, so could we also supply these kind of information.

BTW, this is just what i am always thinking, I am looking forward to your opinions.

Best --0101maggie06 14:56, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

hey guys. i think the article is pretty well done compared to what we started out with. good job!

maggie: wikipedia is just a easy and free source of information that is accessible to all, all over the world as long as you have an internet connection. im not sure about mainland, but this is why wikipedia is getting more famous. like in the lectures, wikipedia is getting more accurate due to the nature of people editing the information as and when they read it. they can add information if they feel that something is missing or edit something out if they feel it is wrong. so the whole point of our project is to actually pick out whats important and what's considered redundant. it's like journalism.. reporting the facts and telling your readers whats important and leaving out other things that might not seem that interesting. so in a way.. wikipedia is like the middleman. providing the most basic information for people curious about an issue or thing. so the external links are like for these people to find out more about the topic if they are really interested in it.

ok i'm not sure if i'm really clear about this. but i hope this explanation helps give you a clearer picture of what we're doing. it's kinda weird that you only ask the purpose now. but better late than never. so i hope you enjoy this freeflow of information. in fact you can type like "cantonese cuisine" and they'll tell you what kind of food is considered traditional and good to eat in HK. have fun!

0101xuecanfly06 16:23, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

Thank you very much your your explanation, actually, I have no idea about the purpose of the mid-term projects from the beginning, till now, I begin to get used to log in wikipedia just like my email, I also use the useful information here just like google. The questions have been existed for pretty long time, first of all, I have no access to ask until I find the discussion section in wikipedia.

It is a little late to point out the question now, however, I also get the explanation from you which have gave me a good reply. Thanks a lot.

Compared to wikipedia, most of students in mainland is more familiar with MSN space or blogs, however, in my opinion, that is like a diary but not the information sharing stage. I gradually began to get used to it, and slowly began to like it.

It is glad to finish the exciting project with you, which brought me a lot of inspiration and inspirer.

Thanks again. Best wishes --0101maggie06 17:00, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

hi sarah

i added back the photos because i think it is important to demonstrate what the society tries to achieve. and for the other edits, i feel like stating the order form will seem like an advertisement that is not what this page is trying to get at. so ya..

0101xuecanfly06 04:44, 4 November 2006 (UTC)