Talk:Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society

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[edit] Introductions

I have worked on its bg information a little bit.

how do you want to do it? separate it into parts or just work on the whole thing together? 0101pera06 14:46, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

No, i think we should do the whole thing together instead of having each of us do a seperate part. This is because we should check and edit each other's work to ensure quality. 0101Anson06 07:59, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

Nice to meet you every one, I am janet. In order to do something first, I've just added a column, History. I think we should discuss how many columns we should have, and what they are. Maybe just add what we found, then discuss should keep it or not. 0101janet06 12:00, 23 october 2006

Hi everybody, this is Vien. actually i've started adding information (just a short paragraph) on friday, but sorry for leaving a late msg here. ummm..i think the idea of categorizing informations into columns is a really good idea. I've just added an "ACTIVITIES" column there. is it alright? 0101vien06 22:47, 23 October 2006

[edit] History or background info?

->janet, so i guess it is better to have history than backgd info. We can consider deleting the 'backgd info' column then? i'm thinking of adding some pics on the page, but seems have to get authorization before can doing so. any ideas? 0101pera06 18:01, 23 October 2006 (UTC)

I've deleted the Basic Background Information. If anyone has any just add it again.--0101janet06 05:45, 24 October 2006 (UTC)

I've just made a word correction ("conserve") in column8, hope you guys don't mind=) also, i've added two items in the part for related societies and organizations, feel free to give comments pls. -vien 21:14 24 October 2006

I've did some editions. I think it'll be better to put "(7) External Links" at the very end of the site. Any ideas? 0101pera06 08:58, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

hey.i have some questions: 1. is HKDCS the ONLY non-governement organization about dolphins conservation? i doubt it a bit 2. i've modified the title about related organizations and changed it to Dolphin-related Societies or Organizations". because it seems that the organizations stated there are mostly not directly related to you agree? but in case you think the original title is better, it's still okay to me to use it again 3. i've also attended the tutorial today..umum...should we try to add something to/modify the information and let our page appear as more 'comprehensive' besides these relatively-basic information (the general information abt HKDCS)? (i hope i've presented my idea here clear..sorry that i cant think of some more precise wordings at this moment)

and since this talk page is sectioned now and i'm not too sure if you guys can read this newest msg of mine. so if you see this, pls leave a reply right below..okay???=) 0101vien06 14:46, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

yes 0101pera06 12:20, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Concerns about relevance

Actually i'm quite concerned about the parts (What We Can Do to Conserve Dolphins) and (Latest News About Dolphins) since they seem rather irrelevent to our entry in Wikipedia, i dont think i want to be so harsh as to directly delete other people's work, but i think it definately needs some serious editing, maybe not deleting it, but at least making it seem more relevent, for example stating how the HKDCS can help us conserve dolphins for the (What We Can Do to Conserve Dolphins) part, since we should maintain HKDCS as the focus of whatever is stated on the page, so what we ourselves can do to save dolphins is off-topic. However i'm more skeptical about what we can do for the other part, since wikipedia is an encyclopedia and not really a platform for news of any kind. any suggestions? 0101Anson06 15:11, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

Under "research work", there's a group called "HKEDCS". Is this a typo or are we talking abt this group? Coz I cannot find any info of it on the web. If it is not HKDCS, I'm not sure if we should write so much abt their research work. 0101pera06 04:35, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

Hey guys, sorry for being missing in the scene, was abroad. I just got back today. Seems like the structure of this page is pretty much set, kinda overwhelmed by the amount of information gathered. Heh. May I ask where did you all find these info? And perhaps if there's any particular section that I can work on to contribute, because I'm kinda lost with regards to this society. Cheers. 0101yansed06 11:53, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

hi, i've added the last line to the second paragraph on top and item 4.8. ummm, i'd also like to raise a query that if we should, in whatever suitable way, kind of combine certain points in column 5 & 6, as part fo their nature seems similar...any comments??? (0101vien06 13:25, 26 October 2006 (UTC))

Yes, i agree that we should combine part 5&6. I've put the contents of both parts together, and will try to work on it tonight. I think part 6's heading is more suitable. Ok?
-> yansed, the info. can be found fm their organization website or through searching online. 0101pera06 13:46, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Website resources and additions

Hey pera, thanks! :) I just went to their website. I also took the liberty of doing some minor edits to the first few paragraphs. Hope its alright with you all. Forgot to log in while doing it though, alas. By the way, I noticed that chunks of phrases and paragraphs are lifted from the HKDCS website. Is that allowed? I could try to rephrase stuff around if you guys want. Cheers. 0101yansed06 17:58, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

Did some minor edits to the Mission section and added some internal links in the first paragraph. Cheers. 0101yansed06 04:15, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

just added the infobox, i'd really love to add their logo as well, but i don't think i have the rights to do so... if i ask them for the rights, do u think they might look at this page and then edit it themselves? that might be scary... 0101Anson06 07:33, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Psst. That infobox is way cool! Heh. Hopefully they'll edit in a good way - by providing all the pictures.. hm. 0101yansed06 08:37, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Took the liberty of changing "HKEDCS" to "HKDCS" in the research section, plus some other minor edits. 0101yansed06 10:04, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

I've actually sent them an email days ago to ask for the right to upload their logo onto our site, but they have not replied yet. Hopefully we'll be able to get it soon. Btw, the editings great! 0101pera06 15:11, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Combine sections?

I also see that now there are 2 "what we can do" sections. I think it'll be better to combine them. Maybe just put it as 2 sub-points under one column. 0101pera06 15:21, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

->yea, i have thought about the combination of the 2 sections too... also, i've added a section about 'hkdcs' stance'. um, at this point, i've just written about the 'dolphin slaughter' issue (i know you guys have discussed about it in other sections, but i'm just trying to relate it more to HKDCS and to give more information abt the society by pointing out some of their stances). as you may see from the official homepage, they also show their view on other issue like the research thing or the rather old news abt Ocean Park purchasing Chinese white dolphins. I didnt include these because i'm not too sure the progress of these even i've browsed through the internet for quite some time, but i do get some online news link abt these. what do you all think? should we include them? i can work on it if necessary. sorry for this long msg and pls feel free give comments. =) (0101vien06 15:46, 27 October 2006 (UTC))

What is picture 1 & 2 in "monitor Chinese white dolphins in the Pearl River Estuary" part? Can't locate pic. And I think we can also combine the HKDCS' stance & latest news part.0101pera06 04:01, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi I'm Christina, sorry for posting a late msg here (I was kind of confused about this talk page >"<). BTW, are we supposed to post pictures of dolphins porpoising or spy-hopping here? I did find some nice pics but I wonder if I can post them here.0101christina06 17:26, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Picture permissions

ummm... one question, we do have permission to use the picturese right? cus u see, we're not supposed to violate copyright laws here. especially for the "red dot map" picture where the (C) copyright sign is printed next to HKDCS 0101Anson06 04:14, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

agree. so whoever posted that on the site, pls clarify your source & rights. 0101pera06 04:25, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

hey guys, edited part of the Research Work section. I've a query - the two paragraphs (about propising) beneath the red dot map in the that Research Work secion, can we shift it elsewhere in the article? Cuz it just doesn't seem right to put it there..or at least I think so. Seems outta place. And as for the rest of the bold points in that Research Section, we're supposed to expand on it..? Cheers. 0101yansed06 05:39, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

totally agree with you, i've been puzzled with its placing since ages. however i'd be willing to wait and see the fate of the red dot map which the paragraphs emcompass first. 0101Anson06 05:57, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Infobox fixup

hey, anyone knows how to fix the box for "How to become a HKDCS member"? The first line is sticking out of the box, and I dunno how to fix that. Tried numerous methods, but just dun work. Hope some of you can get it working. 0101pera06 15:43, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

sorry, got it working finally. btw, where does the info in "latest news" comes from? Is it a newspaper article? 0101pera06 15:54, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

hey who put the section latest news for dolphins? Wikipedia is an encyclopedia not a newspaper, it's one of wikipedia's basic rules that no news is allowed. Please have a look at this web page 0101Anson06 05:36, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Article expansions

dear all, just expanded the "activities" part a bit. ummm, i'm thinking of ringing them to check the address of their headquarter, because it seems strange if we arent even able to provide the organization's contactng address here (or is it allowed to post address here??)..anyway, is this idea alright? 0101vien06 06:39, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

I agree.. I think the Latest News section should be taken down. I guess its just confusing what should and should not be in an encyclopedia actually..what's more, its supposed to be an all-informative encyclopedia. Boundaries won't be that clear in this case. Now I'm wondering what else to expand on..can't seem to get more info on other subheadings in the Research Work section. Darn. Cheers guys. 0101yansed06 10:07, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

Got the part deleted. If anyone would like to keep it, can just go back to previous version. Shall we still expand on those titles? Seems to have not much info on them .. 0101pera06 12:57, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Wikification problems

Hi everyone, I wanted to add an external link but whenever I edited that section, the 2 links under "Endangered Dolphins" went missing. Did anyone have this problem before? I don't know how to fix that :( Can anyone do something about it? Thx so much! 0101christina06 16:19, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

I've tried doing some editting there, but the 2 links also disappear once you go into the edit page, and pop out again in the final article. Dunno how to remove or edit those links ... Weird. 0101pera06 17:22, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

hey guys..have just added some bits to the Research Work section and stuffed in some other scattered edits. I've a question about the What We Can Do to Conserve Dolphins section it in line with Wikipedia's policy? Hmmmmmm. 0101yansed06 19:06, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

Have got HKDCS's confirmation of using their logo. 0101pera06 02:14, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Attended tutorial today, and it's been said that we must NOT replicate the organization's website, and should try and be selective abt the info we put here. Think we should lessen the info? 0101pera06 14:30, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

hey guys...honestly,i cant think of what else to add in at this moment (sorry for that)...but concluding the latest messages above, i wanna ask does it now mean that we have come to a stage of modifying or editing these existing info instead of adding sth new(in case we cannot find out anymore)? 0101vien06 15:35, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

took quite a bit of effort, but i've finally found 2 relevant pictures which i have permission to use.0101Anson06 17:48, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

pera's right, i think we shd be more selective about the info. maybe we should scan through the article as a whole and suggest stuff that can be cut down on. to start with, i've just deleted the two paragraphs below the dotted red map in the research work section. hope its alright. cheers.

[edit] Article and HTML tags

Hello! I've made some edits to this article, in particular, I've removed some HTML tags that were used. Also, let's section this talk page so it becomes more managable to navigate through. --HappyCamper 14:15, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Okay, well, I added some sections anyway. --HappyCamper 14:21, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image problems?

The image Image:Cwd hkmaps.jpg looks like is not GFDL - it has a copywrite symbol on it! This needs to be replaced with another substitute I think. Is there a database of the red dots we can use to create a new GFDL compliant image? --HappyCamper 14:17, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

janet, i see that you posted 3 images on the site, the red dot map inclusive. please make sure that you have the rights to use the images, or else i will have to remove them by friday.0101Anson06 14:53, 1 November 2006 (UTC)
You can indent paragraphs by adding a colon. Makes things read easier. Actually, it's probably better to put the images to the side so the text wraps around it. Avoids excessive whitespace and makes the article look nicer. --HappyCamper 15:35, 1 November 2006 (UTC)
i've wrote to HKDCS for a pic w/o the copyright symbol. btw, i saw the same pictures that we are using in sections "underwater noise" & "fishery bycatch" on HKDCS's site. do we have permission for those?--0101pera06 17:09, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

hey guys i've shifted the image from the right to the left in the Mission Section because the bulletins were somehow blocked (when it was on the right). cheers 0101yansed06 13:48, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Suggested Deletion

As we're supposed to start scanning through our site & select important info, pls write down here what you think should be deleted, and then we can delete those parts that we agree on.0101pera06 12:29, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

i suggest that we should delete "the HKDCS has been involved in various fields including carrying out research, offering related education to school children, providing volunteers a chance to join as research interns, and organizing forums for dolphin-lovers which also serves as a social gathering for like-minded individuals." at the very beginning, as i see these points are mentioned in "Missions" and probably after that, we can then put the "intership" thing right after this line into the "mission" this okay?? and also, THANKS, pera, for your reply up there. but i'd still like to ask this: is HKDCS the ONLY non-governement organization about dolphins conservation? 0101vien06 13:03, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

welcome. 1) although they are repeated in later section, i think we can keep them in the intro part, coz in newspapers, they normally also have all the pts in the intro, and then elaborate on those later. 2) however, it'll be a gd idea to rephrase those pts in 'mission', as they're just copied fm HKDCS official site. Or add a reference to it at the end. 3) And we can delete "it's mission is to protect whales and dolphins through scientific research and educating the public', as this is repeated in 'mission'. 4) i think HKDCS is not the ONLY one, coz WWF is also a NGO, and it cares for animals' conservation too. 0101pera06 13:20, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

besides wwf, ocean park also does alot in hk to help dolphins.0101Anson06 07:20, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

This article needs to be structured a bit differently I think. For example, at the very top it should indicate the intended jurisdiction of the HKDCS - surely, I assume, the motivation to set up the conservation society is to protect these pink dolphins that are around Hong Kong? This should be mentioned right at the top. That way, the article does not need to repeatedly tell the reader the same thing throughout the article. --HappyCamper 15:34, 2 November 2006 (UTC)
hm .. then shall we put their mission statement in a dotted box and put it at the top of our page?? btw, think we can also delete the first paragraph of "monitoring CWD in PRE", as it's only explaining what CWDs are. It would be possible for users to just click on the CWD interlink to read the details on the CWD wiki page. 0101pera06 16:07, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

yes, i agree with pera. let's delete the first paragraph of that part.ok? and i've changed the "only" right before 'non-government.....' to "a" then. 0101vien06 16:43, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

Hi guys, I've deleted the links of 'WWF Hong Kong', 'Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society' and 'Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society' in the "external links" section cuz these links are already provided in the article. Pls feel free to add them back if any of u think they shouldn't be deleted. Thx a lot! 0101christina06 18:28, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

there has been a new activity uploaded on HKDCS' website. Should we include that or just leave it out? --0101pera06 08:36, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

leave it out. wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a bulletin board.0101Anson06 09:53, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

hey guys i redid the section Monitoring Chinese White Dolphins and Finless Porpoises, as i thought the stuff there before was pretty irrelevent to the title0101Anson06 09:55, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

hi everybody, i've deleted the American Cetacean Society link under the related organizations part and i've added "in hk" to this part's heading, hope you guys wouldn't mind. i did it because i think there're numerous dolphin-conservation organizations in the world and perhaps we cant include all of them here, while the American cetacean society is kinda unrelated to hk's ones. if we are to include it, we may have to include more which are in other places. so i limit the area to hk's ones. i'll check here out again later and if there's any objection to this decision, i'll add the part back right away. 0101vien06 12:27, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

hi, i was the one who put the american cetacean society link up. opps, i put it up because i felt it was a related society, regardless of where it was based - after all i thought the section was just about related societies dealing with dolphins and cetaceans. but i guess if we're talking about related societies in HK that wouldn't be appropriate. no biggie :) 0101yansed06 13:45, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

Ok. guess everything's settled then? --0101pera06 14:34, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

yea..i think so=) 0101vien06 15:03, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

what is this "HKDCS [create internal link to your page] is one organisation that carries out research on Chinese White Dolphins in Hong Kong waters"------" ?? Did someone wanted to create an interwiki link?? --0101pera06 16:08, 3 November 2006 (UTC)