Honest Reporting

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Honest Reporting (also HonestReporting or honestreporting.com) is a pro-Israeli media watchdog group that monitors the media for what it deems to be media bias against Israel. HonestReporting's members contact news agencies to request changes when they identify sources that they consider to be deliberately biased against Israel. The organization has affiliates in the United States, UK, Canada, Italy, and Brazil.


[edit] Management

Rabbi Ephraim Shore (president) took over HonestReporting in 2000 after it was founded by a group of students in England. In late 2001, he organized an independent USA board of directors and established HonestReporting as a registered non-profit (501 (c) 3) organization. He is also a co-director of Hasbara Fellowships.

Joe Hyams (CEO) is a former strategic planner for London's oldest advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising (Tel Aviv).

Simon Plosker (managing editor) has worked for a variety of non-profit organizations, including the Board of Deputies of British Jews, BICOM, and NGO Monitor.

Yarden Frankl (senior editor) worked for ten years as a senior aide to Congresswoman Nita Lowey of New York and as the Strategic Affairs Lobbyist for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Pesach Benson (blog editor) is a former reporter for the Baltimore Jewish Times.

Gary Kenzer (USA director) was formerly involved on the national level of grassroots organizations like American Friends of Magen David Adom [1] and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. He is the contact person for speaking engagements, fund-raisers and other US activities. [2]

[edit] Criticism

HonestReporting has been criticised over its aggressive approach to media reports. In September 2006, HonestReporting issued a critique of the South African newspaper, the Mail & Guardian, for publishing an opinion article by a South African government minister that was critical of Israel. HonestReporting took issue [3] with contents of the article and encouraged its' readers to write to the newspaper. The Mail & Guardian received what it called a "barrage of hysterical invective" full of "bigotry and anti-democratic instincts".

In 2004, Honest Reporting targeted Australian journalist, Tony Parkinson (The Age), over an article on the Israeli assassination of Sheik Ahmed Yassin. In response to the mail he received from HRs readers, Parkinson emailed HR critising its' practices,

I have been deluged with some of the most poisonous and vituperative personal attacks experienced in my 25 years in the profession, based entirely on blind acceptance of your scurrilous assertions.....why don't you go the full distance, and start calling yourself the ministry of truth?

[edit] Endorsements

HonestReporting has quickly proven to be one of Israel's most important weapons in the battle for fair media coverage. At a time when Israel's image abroad counts among our most critical national priorities, and in a world of hostile media, it is crucial that HonestReporting's work continues and expands. With over 140,000 subscribers, HonestReporting is Israel's largest media watchdog. Their prompt response to violations of professional journalistic standards keeps media outlets aware that they will be held accountable. Unknown potential damage is avoided and real danger is minimized, due to HonestReporting's relentless efforts. I know of few more dynamic, truly effective organizations in the Jewish world today than HonestReporting.

  • Gary Bauer {Christian leader, president of American Values):

HonestReporting is one of the world's most important organizations defending Israel. It serves on the front lines against media bias everywhere. HonestReporting and its 140,000 subscribers is the largest watchdog protecting Israel from imbalanced reporting in mainstream media. The security of Israel is directly connected to American support, so the success of HonestReporting is a priority to me and everyone who cares about our only democratic ally in the Middle East.

Source: [4]

  • Tony Parkinson (Journalist, formerly of The Age newspaper)

rank distortion……….scurrilous assertions

[edit] Film production

Honest Reporting, in addition to media watch activities, produced a documentary discussing the Jewish-Muslim conflicts. This film was entitled Relentless. Interest in the video exceeded all expectations and the documentary is now marketed independently of HonestReporting.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links and references

    [edit] External links

    HonestReporting Official web site MediaBackspin Officihttp://electronicintifada.net/new.shtmlal blog HonestReporting-UK UK affiliate HonestReporting-Canada Canadian affiliate HonestReporting-Italia Italian affiliate HonestReporting-Brazil Brazilian affiliate HonestReporting-Campus Monitoring campus media Headlines & Deadlines HR-Canada blog HonestReporting.org Monitors HonestReporting CAMERA Jewish organization monitoring Western media MEMRI Organization translating Arab-language media Palestinian Media Watch Jewish organization monitoring Palestinian media Palestine Media Watch Palestinian organization monitoring the media Electronic Intifada Palestinian organization monitoring the media