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Classical homeopathy
New version homeopathy

See also: homeopathy, clinical homeopathy, and complex homeopathy

Classical homeopathy, also known as Hahnemannian homeopathy follows the canonical (i.e. classical) traditions of remedy prescription, case serving, etc. These were laid down by Hahnemann's philosophy as stated in the Organon of the Medicine and subsequently developed by many classical Homoeopaths, e.g. Dr. C. Von Boeninghausen, Dr. Jahr, Dr. EB Nash, Dr. Allen, Dr. Constentine Hering, Dr. Carrol Dunhum], Dr. Richard Huges, Dr. Kent, Dr. John Henry Clarke, Dr. William Boericke, [Dr. Boger, Dr. Roberts and others. These all physicians were Allopathic practitioners and were converted to Homoeopathy. The list is very long, of those who practiced at the time of Hahnemann and and since after his death, and of those who are in these days practicing Classical Homoeopathy. They are all recognized as Classical Homoeopaths.

Thus it is easily to be understood that Classical Homoeopathy begins with the practice of Hahnemann, the Father of Homoeopathy and is still today practiced in the same style all around the world. Among the most prominent classical homeopaths nowadays are Georgos Vithoulkas and Rajan Sankaran.


[edit] Genesis of Homoeopathy

Dr. Hahnemann was an excellent translator and a polyglot and had a good command over several European languages. Once while he was translating a chapter of Quinine of Cullen's Materia Medica, he found out that Dr. Cullen had written that if quinine bark is taken regularly, it will produce malaria fever like syndromes. The logical mind of Hahnemann agreed with the version of Cullen and he took small quantity of bark daily. Within few days Hahnemann felt malaria like symptoms. He told his experiences to another friend doctor, who also took the bark and underwent the similar experience. Thence Hahnemann thought that Quinine is the medicine for curing malaria fever because of if taken in healthy body it creates malaria like syndromes.

This was the first thought which came in his mind that medicinal substances has power to produce the disease syndromes in healthy body for which they are used. And these substances has power to cure the syndromes if any sick person is having like symptoms.

Several times he repeated the experiments with the quinine. He found that apart from the syndromes produced by the quinine, there is much more behind hide, which should be brought out. He started to write down feelings, symptoms, sensations, aggravations, ameliorations, whatever he felt, noted down daily in a diary. When the effects of the crude drug finished, he catagorised the symptoms from most important to lesser important. First he begins from symptoms of mind. To start from a psychological symptoms was a unique at that time, because all the medicines were actually presented in their physiological occurrence.

[edit] Organon of the Rational Art of Healing

The Organon of the Healing Art / Organon of the Rational Art of Healing (one should not be confused with the word ORGANON because it is a famous title of philosophic books, for example by Aristotle and Bacon), in fact, it is the first classical book of Homoeopathy in which the art of healing is described. The book is written in Aphorisms, sections or Para style, which was the tradition of the writing at that time. With the theoretical and practical part together in one biding. Six editions of the Organon of Medicine were published.

Another classical work of Hahnemann is Chronic Diseases and its Cure. The book covers the theory of chronic diseases and materia medica of medicines, which was experienced and observed by the Hahnemann while treating the Chronic disease conditions.

Another Classical work is Materia Medica Pura in which the details of the drugs, there preparation and their prooving is given in details.

Homoeopathy as a science has a philosophy of its own with some cardinal principles. These are called the fundamental principles as every science have its own, according to their philosophy or phenomenon. These principles are mainly seven.

[edit] Seven Principles

Hahanemann laid down seven principles, which he described in his classical work The Organon:

  1. Simila Similibus Currentur (like cures the alike)
  2. The Single Remedy
  3. The Minimal Dose
  4. The Potentized Remedy or the Doctrine of Drug Dynamization
  5. Theory of the Vital Force
  6. Theory of Chronic Diseases
  7. Doctrine of Drug Prooving

which make together the essence of Classical Homoeopathy.

[edit] The Law of Similars: Similia similibus curantur

A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one, if the latter (whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestations. § 26 Organon

The law of similarity is a major principle of Homoeopathy. It is the key of homoeopathic science and its base also. Similia simlibus curantur as homeopathic moto is a Latin phrase and its literal meaning is 'Likes cure likes'. The word "homeopathy" is thus related to the principle, its Greek origin means 'similar sufferings'. It can be defined that Homoeopathy is a therapeutic method of the similarity of the symptoms.

The law of similarity has ancient origins. In Ayurveda, Charak have first recognised the law of similars, saying the rule VISHASHYA VISHMAUSHADHAM, which means 'poison can be cured by the poison'. It is also claimed that Hippocrates sensed the law and he applied the law in some recorded cases. From time to time the medical practitioners felt that theory of the law of similars is correct, but actually they didn't know how exactly to implement it.

It is for the first time in the history of medicine that Hahnemann did a practical implementation of the Law of Similars by experimenting and by his keen observation with the inductive method of reasoning he convinced physicians into it.

[edit] Law of simplex - the single remedy

Hahnemann said in the Oranon of medicine, aphorism 272, that only one single, simple medicinal substance to the sick, should be administered at a time. This is one aspect of the Hahnemann approach which have several dimensions to understand the doctrine.

In fact the Homoeopathic remedies are proved in single and the materia medica is built up with the collection of symptoms observed by the provers. These symptoms are collected and segregated according to their characteristics. The effects of the medicine is tested either in planned provings or they have got collected from the accidental provings.

Another aspect is that only a single remedy is required, which is most similar matching the symptoms of the sick person.

The other problem is, the physician will not understand which medicine is curing if more than the single remedy is used, this might deviate from the use of just one remedy.

The possibility of synergistic and/or antagonic actions cannot be ruled out, if more than one medicine is used. The effect will be the sum total of the effects of the separate drugs. The diluted ingredients of the drug may even result in interaction and could cause the adverse effects in the body.

The concept of Vital force, which is governing the human body comprehensively, needs a single identity. Therefore the medicine should be one to correct the disturbances and dishormony of the body by a single medicine at a time.

[edit] Law of Minimum: The Minimal Dose

Furthur information: The Minimum Dose

Hahnemann laid a principle in aphorism 275, the suitableness of a medicine for any given case does not depend on its accurate Homoeopathic selection alone, but likewise on the proper size or rather smallness of dose. Under this direction the patient is given medicine in a very minute dose. That means although the dose is smallest in quantity, but it produces least possible excitation of the Vital force to effect the necessary changes. The concept of minimal dose is conjoined with the drug dynamisation process or say potentization. The Law of Minimum has many advantages.

  1. The minimal dose does not damage any vital organ of body, so there is no risk of drug affects or drug addiction.
  2. The concept of the minimum dose can be ascertained by the law of Arndt-Shultz with the established facts that small dose stimulate, medium dose paralyze and the large doses kills. It can be said that action of one substance will not be same if they are administered in small and large quantity on living matters.
  3. To avoid undesired aggravation of any kind.
  4. The dynamic action of a drug produces uncommon, peculiar, strange, rare and other distinguished symptoms when used in the minimum quantity, when proving
  5. the remedies fine and finest quality of action for cure purposes, is possible in the minimal doses.
  6. To maintain the similarity of the sequence of the drug and the disease, minimal dose is necessary
  7. According to Fincke the law of quantity is thus "The quality of the action of Homoeopathic remedy is determined by its quantity in inver ratio."
  8. Law of least action is formulated by the French mathematician Maupertius: "the quantity of action necessary to affect any changes in nature is the least possible. The decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal".

It was long believed that Hahanemann always used single medicine at a time as a rule, which is followed by the subsequent followers of the Homoeopathy -- but recently documents have come to light that suggested he did otherwise. However, in classical Homoeopathy, largely due to the influence of Kent, it is not common practice to mix remedies at the same time.

[edit] The Potentized Remedy or Doctrine of Drug Dynamization (Homoeopathic Pharmacy)

Main article: Drug dynamization

[edit] Theory of Vital Force

Among the medical science, Homoeopathy believes that it is the Vital Force which is responsible for the different manifestations of life. Hahnemann writes in aphorism-10, about the Vital force,"The material organism without the vital force is capable no sensation, no function, no self preservation ; it derives all sensations, and performs all the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being [the vital force] which animates the material organism in health and in disease,"

The Vital force in the healthy condition, maintains the normal functions and sensations of the organism. When the vital force is not dynamically deranged by the morbific dynamic influences, it is normal in this stage. When the vital force is influenced by the morbific dynamic agents, it deranges and causes abnormal sensations and functions, which are manifested outwardly through the material body as abnormal sign and symptoms, which constitute the disease syndromes.

The cure is possible when the vital force aided itself to rise the recovery. When vital force is weak, debilitated, exhausted and not provoked itself, the recovery of normal health is difficult.

[edit] Theory of Chronic Diseaes

While Hahnemann was treating his patient, he observed that some of the patient returns back to their complaints and symptoms after relief, in some interval. This recurrence of symptoms leads him to think over the problem. The failure gave him thought, why it happens and how it happens ? He tried to understand the reality behind this phenomenon. After 12 years of the rigorous experimentation and observation, he came up to conclusion that their is some thing present in the human body, by which the occurrence of the symptoms repeats after cure. He reached up to the conclusion that chronic diseases are caused by the chronic miasms and these miasms are Psora, Sycosis] and Syphilis. Dr. Hahnemann concluded after 12 yrs of long and rigorous experimentation that the real cause of the recurrence of the disease sympatomatology or symptoms or syndromes is due to Psora. Psora is a fundamental cause of the disease, which forms itself in innumerable forms of disease syndromes. Psora is the mother of all diseases and at least seven-eight of all the chronic maladies are cropped up from it. The remaining eight sprangs up from the other causative factors say miasms i.e. Syphilis and Sycosis.

He observed that cure from these miasms are possible, when selected potentised drug is used, which are known as Anti-psoric, antisycotic, antisyphilitic. Only miasmatic treatment can prevent the relapse of the symptoms. The theory of the miasmatic treatment is included in the fourth edition of The Organon of the Healing Art in year 1829. But Hahnemann published this innovation in Homoeopathic sciencein a separate book titled "Chronic diseases, their nature and Homoeopathic treatment" in year 1828.

[edit] Miasms

By 1816, Hahnemann was concerned at the failure of his homeopathic remedies to produce lasting cures for chronic diseases. He found that "...the non-venereal chronic diseases, after being time and again removed homoeopathically … always returned in a more or less varied form and with new symptoms." To explain this, Hahnemann introduced the miasmatic theory, that three fundamental "miasms" are the underlying root causes of all the chronic diseases of mankind: Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis, suppressed gonorrhoea.

This miasm theory was first published in 1828. [1] Though Hahnemann first suspected miasms in 1816, he took 12 years before he published his views. It is possible that the study of Freemasonry under the guidance of his Patron, the Grand Duke Ferdinand of Anhalt-Coethen influenced his thinking.[2] He adopted a reclusive lifestyle while residing in Koethen and his new inclination towards metaphysical pursuits may explain his sudden adoption of Olfaction [inhaling the remedy], which he continued to use until his death in Paris in 1843.[3] Olfaction might derive from Arabian medicine and the art of Perfumery.[4]

The miasm of Psora, he concluded, underpinned most of the chronic diseases known to medicine. Miasma, from the Greek for 'stain', was an old medical concept, used for "pestiferous exhalations". The sense of this is indicated by Hahnemann's Note 2 to §11 of the Organon: "...a child with small-pox or measles communicates to a near, untouched healthy child in an invisible manner (dynamically) the small-pox or measles, … in the same way as the magnet communicated to the near needle the magnetic property..."

According to Hahnemann, miasmatic infection causes local symptoms, usually in the skin. If these are suppressed by external medication, the hidden sickness cause goes deeper, and manifests itself later as organ pathologies. In §80 of the Organon he asserted Psora to be the cause of such diseases as epilepsy, cyphosis, cancer, jaundice, deafness, and cataract.

Even in his own time, many followers of Hahnemann, including Hering, made almost no reference to Hahnemann’s concept of chronic diseases. Perhaps they lacked Hahnemann's deep knowledge of cases from which the theory was distilled? Today, some homeopathic practitioners [5] find Hahnemann’s theory difficult to reconcile with current knowledge of immunology, genetics, microbiology and pathology, as it seems to ignore the importance of genetic, congenital, metabolic, nutritional, and degenerative factors in sickness; the theory also fails to differentiate the multitude of different infectious diseases. However, most insist that the key elements of his theory are valid. For instance, most of them believe that the fundamental cause of disease is internal and constitutional (i.e. the susceptibility to becoming ill), and that it is contrary to good health to suppress symptoms, especially skin eruptions and discharges. They also accept Hahnemann's concept of latent Psora, the early signs of an organism’s imbalance, which indicate that treatment is needed to prevent the development of more advanced disease.

However, we should not regard the miasm theory as the 'be all and end all' of homeopathy. For example, these criticisms ignore the fact that Hahnemann strongly advocated good hygiene, fresh air, regular exercise, good nutrition as precursors of good health [see his 1792 essay: The Friend of Health]; he was also a pioneer in 1792-3 of humane treatment of the insane [1796, Description of Klockenbring During his Insanity] a year before William Tuke and Philippe Pinel, and he published tracts in which he described the cause of Cholera as "excessively minute, invisible, living creatures" Asiatic Cholera, 1831. Hahnemann's acceptance of this emerging idea of infectious disease before its final proof by Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur indicates some of his medical views incorporated ideas that were at the cutting-edge of contemporary science. These 17th-century epidemiological theories built on the ideas of Girolamo Fracastoro in the 16th century and the discovery of microbes by Anton van Leeuwenhoek one hundred years previously.

[edit] Theory of Drug Proving

In Homoeopathic treatment only those medicines are used / prescribed which have properly prooved or tested according to the rules laid down by Dr Hahnemann. The process is known "Drug Prooving". Actually Hahneann wants to know the potentized drugs actions in human body.

Dru prooving is a systematic process and arrangement to procure the disease producing power of any substance, say medicine in human say healthy human, both sexes, any and all age, body built, temperaments, constitution, etc.

The recording of the drug prooving must be reliable and thats why reliable and genuine person should be selected for the drug prooving. Hahnemann writes directions for conducting the drug prooving in the Organon of Medicine in aphorisms 120 -145 to procure the curative properties of medicine substances for curing thousands of thousands disease conditions.

The directives are that drug should be prooved on the human being because [a] animals can not give the mental and subjective symptoms [b] effects of some drugs on animal and on human being will be different.

[edit] Requisite qualification of Homoeopathic practitioner

Since the time of Dr. Hahnemann that Allopathic practitioners [now Modern Western Medicine practitioners] can practice Homoeopathy as a speciality. Some rules have been framed by Dr. Hahnemann, which are essential and necessary to be followed by the Homoeopathic practitioners, who want to practice Hahnemannian homoeopathy. These requisite qualifications and conditions are implemented on the physician for providing the concept of "Ideal Cure" for which Dr. Hahnemann have written in the Ist Aphorism of the Organon of the medicine. The speciality of the Homoeopathic doctor must be according to the following conditions.

  • Knowledge of disease,
  • Knowledge of the medicinal power and essentials
  • Knowledge of the application of the drug/remedy knowledge to the disease/symptoms knowledge
  • Knowledge of the selection or choice of remedy/medicne
  • Knowledge of the exact mode /procedure of drug/remedy preparation
  • Knowledge of the repetition of the doses]] at a time and interval
  • knowledge of the obstacle / hindrence to cure and their removals
  • Knowledge of the things which deranges health, caused disease and how to remove them
  • Physician should have sense of "No prejudice" according to aphorism-6 and 83
  • Physician should have Sound senses according to aphorism 83
  • Physician should have especial circumspection according to aphorism-98
  • Physician should have tactful and have knowledge to handle the case
  • Physician should have good understanding of the human nature and Psychology
  • Should have patience and good conceiving and perceiving qualities.

[edit] Case-taking

Hahnemann developed a unique method of Case-taking and recording of the symptoms of sick person, which was not popular at that time. The specific type of the questioning according to the need of selection of proper remedy for a proper case, was felt to implement the remedy prooving into practice of healing. Hahnemann laid down some principals for the selection of remedy. In Aphorism 5th, hahnemann instruct for the exciting causes and fundamental causes. In aphorism 71 and further he instruct to the followers, how to take the case and accrordingly proper selection of medicine. Although this is not a tough work, but it require the ability and skill of the physician's capability of conception and perception. Hahnemann say in aphorism 71" The operation of curing is comprised in three points, and among it the first point is case-taking or case-recording.

"A case well taken is half cured" , this is the opinion of one master of Homoeopathy practitioner. A good Homoeopathic prescribing is depend upon the good deal of the information collected by the physician for selection of medicine purposes. The Homoeopath must know his patient spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and sociologically. A physician must devote his time to collect maximum information about the patient as best as possible.

Aphorism 83-104 of the Organon of the medicine is deals with the instructions of Hahnemann regarding Case-taking . The case should be record in such a way that it should contains all the essentials individualising characteristics, which leads clearly matching with the recorded symptoms of the prooved medicine. The recording of the symptoms is an art, because a physician collecting the symptoms in view of finding a suitable remedy for the sick. Therefore the concentration of the physician should be within the sphere of the selection of medicine and the querry should be done around this sphere.

The object of the case taking is [a] to select the true symptoms of the patient [b] a clear picture of the patient illness comes out [c] to fulfill the object of diagnosis of disease, although this is necessary and essential because a physician must know, what he is treating ? This is only for diagnosis level. But the selection of medicine is finally depend upon the symptoms observed.


  • Whatever the patient is narrated the history of sufferings, the physician should attentively listen the all.
  • The physician should also collect the maximum information regarding the patient, from his natives, relatives, family members, attendants about his complaints, behaviour, any secrets, any abnormality, which is observed by them.
  • The observation of physician is very important. A keen observer observes any thing altered, peculiar, unusual, strange, uncommon in patinet by seeing, hearing, touching and use of other senses.
  • The physician should write down , whatever he have observed, listened , experienced etc by his senses and from the attendants.
  • The physician should advise the patient to speak slowly about his complaints. The physician should write down case history in the words of patient and style of expressions. The recorded symptomatology and case history will be for the future references, because it is impossible for any physician to keep in memory the patient complaints.

[edit] Selection of medicine : appropriate remedy

The selection of remedy, drug, medicine or medicament is very easy in Homoeopathy. The criteria for the selection of appropriate remedy is instructed by the Hahnemann in Organon of the Medicine in the practical part from aphorism 71- 142. The Organon of Medicine is very serious writings of Hahnemann, which is logically written and should be understand the written material seriously by the reader or followers of the Homoeopathy. This is not an ordinary written book. It have logic on concrete backgrounds, which have been gained after years of years continuous experimentation and thus the contents are based on the practical approach.

[edit] Hahnemann's work

Hahnemann have written many articles before the invent of Homoeopathy. Originally Hahnemann was Allopathic physician practicing in Allopathy. He was a good Chemist and having knowledge of few languages, say Latin, English etc. He was in Government Service of Duke. A list of few main and important articles, Books, Publications titles are given in Chronological sequence:

Year 1775 - On the wonderful construction of the Human Hand
Year 1779 - A consideration of the Aetiology and Therapeutics of Spasmodic affections
Year 1782 - Essays [in Kreb's Medical Observer]
Year 1784 - Directions for curing old sores and Forensic detection
Year 1789 - Instruction for Surgeons on Veneral diseases
Year 1790 - translation of Cullen's materia medica from English to German
Year 1796 - Description of klockenberger during his insanity
Year 1797 - are the obstacles to the attainment of simplicity and certainty in practical medicine insurmountable ?
Year 1797 - Antidote to some heroic vegetable substance
Year 1801 - Cure and prevention of Scarlet fever
Year 1803 - On the effects of Coffe / On a proposed remedy for Hydrophobia
Year 1805 - Aesulapius in the balance / Medicine of Experience
Year 1808 - On the Value of the speculative system of medicine
Year 1809 - Signs of the times in the ordinary system of medicine
Year 1810 - Organon of the Rational Art of Healing / first edition
Year 1811 to 1821 - MATERIA MEDICA PURA
Year 1813 - spirit of the New Medical Doctrine
Year 1816 - On veneral diseases and its ordinary Improper treatment
Year 1816 - On the treatment of Burns
Year 1828 to 1838 - Chronic Diseases
Year 1830 - 1831 Four articles on Cholera
Year 1819 - Organon of medicine 2nd edition
Year 1824 - Organon of medicine 3rd edition
Year 1829 - Organon of medicine 4th edition
Year 1833 - Organon of medicine 5th edition
Year 1921 - Organon of medicine 6th edition

[edit] History of Repertory

The history of the origin of Homoeopathic Repertory begins from Hahnemann himself. Hahnemann prepared an index of remedy symptoms for his own uses, because it was very difficult for him to remember the big number of the recorded symptoms of many medicines, when in need.

After some time, when many medicines were symptomatically recorded, some of these medicines were proved several times to make foolproof testing, thus the huge number of recorded symptoms causes inconvenience. It was impossible to memorise such huge symptoms for any one. So Hahnemann started to make index of the important symptoms according to his own needs. Today, these Hahnemannian indexing is preserved safely in the Heal's Museum, Robert Bosch Krankenhaus, Frankfurt, Germany.

Later Dr. C. Von Boenninghausen modified the Hahnemann's idea of the arrangement of the indexing medicine. In year 1832 Dr. Boenninghausen prepared a repertory titled "Repertory of the Antipsoric Medicines". The preface of this repertory is written by the Hahnemann himself. Again in year 1835 Dr. Boenninghausen has written another repertory under title " Repertory of the medicine which are not Antipsoric". Again in year 1846, Dr. Boennighausen prepared a full fledge repertory under the title "Therapeutic Mannual for Homoeopathic Physician, for use at the sick bed and in the study of Materia Medica Pura". This was the base of the origin of repertory. The Boenninghausen's style of repertory composing is copied by the subsequent followers of Homoeopathy and some of them modified the repertory in their own way. Today the Boenninghausen work is available under the title Boenninghausen's Therapeutic pocket book with some changes.

The methods of the French School of homeopathy, such as nosode homeopathic prescription and cocktail remedies of Boiron, are non-classical.

[edit] Bibliography

  1. Von Boenninghausen, C, 1908. Lesser Writings, Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, (2002, 1 Aug)
  2. Bradford, T.L., 1895. Life and Letters of Hahnemann, New Delhi: B. Jain (2004)
  3. Das, A.K, A treatise on Organon of Medicine, Calcutta: NIH
  4. Haehl, R., 1922. Hahnemann Biography: His Life and Works, 2 volumes
  5. Hahnemann, S.C.F, 1810. The Organon Of The Healing Art, Sixth Edition, Tr. Kunzli, Naude & Pendleton, Gollancz, London, 1983 online version
  6. Hahnemann, S.C.F, 1845. Chronic Diseases and their Homoeopathic Cure. Their Peculiar Nature and the Homoeopathic Cure (Theoretical Part), Calcutta: C Ringer & Co.
  7. Hahnemann, S.C.F, Materia Medica Pura, vols. 1-4., New Delhi: B. Jain Books (2002)
  8. Sarkar, B.K, Hahnemann Organon Commenatry
  9. Sarkar, B.K, 1968. Essays on Homoeopathy, Calcutta
  10. Vithoukas, G., 1980. The Science of Homeopathy, New York: Grove/Atlantic

[edit] External links

[[Category:Alternative medicine|Classical homeopathy]][[Category:Homeopathy]]

Topics in Homoeopathy
Philosophy: Organon - Homeopathic proving - Drug dynamization - Succussion - Nosode - Psora
Reference material: Homeopathic repertory - Materia Medica
Homoeopaths: List of homeopaths - Samuel Hahnemann - J.T. Kent - C. von Bönninghausen - J.H.Clarke - L. De Schepper - J. Scholten - R Morrison - E. B. Nash - R.Sankaran - G.Vithoulkas
Branches: Veterinary homeopathy
Related: Allopathy - Alternative medicine - Bach flower remedies - Jacques Benveniste - Isopathy