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[edit] HomoUniversalis
Name: Jerôme Serpenti
Date of birth: July 10th 1987
Place of birth: Maastricht
Education: Currently attending Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology, first year of bachelor.
Beliefs: I do not like saying "I'm a post-modernist", for two reasons. First of all, I do not agree with the 'post', which I believe should be 'neo', at least in my case. I will explain this later. Second, I believe that I am a lot more than just an avatar of some line of thought, or for that matter lines.
A propos, the concept of post-modernist does not have the strong bind with modernism that neo has. I do not believe in humanistic values, however, I do acknowledge the strong influence this reality has on me, and my thinking and thus too my post-modernist beliefs, and I thus believe that the freedom that came with humanism and modernism is of vital importance to the sustainment of my own state of mind, and the broadening of others. However, more important than this tribute to the past, is my belief in freedom on the basis that I have too much doubt in my beliefs to assume they are valid for everyone, and thus I think that for the limited time we are to walk this earth, if we are to believe the correlation of this reality and existence (which seems to be a reasonable) freedom is the only excusable style of life. Who am I to tel you what to think or do? From this also, however, follows the concept that I do not believe in rights. No one has the right to live, or any of those concepts. A right is an appeal to some institute that has an obligation towards one. Now, considered from my own perspective, there is no such authority. From a humanist view, one could say "these are the basic rights each human being deserves, because they are part of human nature", but I see no tangible correlation between the two. It's an esoteric belief that drives one to accept the humanistic values. First accept the human as God, than accept the rights this status grants you. From the perspective of a judeo-christian God, the concept rights makes no sense (to me!) either. If I had the right to live, and God existed, it would mean God was obligated to do something for me, something that is of course, ludicrous. Following these three rejections of the most common philosophies I safely decree these silly beliefs not part of my own, and embrace a personal and economical freedom, all-embracing to those who are willing to accept it.
This explains merely my beliefs, and I am more than a collection of my beliefs. I have a personality, and I am thankful to be blessed, if I dare pronounce myself so religiously, with an analytical mind and a mind that I can change with an ease I recognise scarcely in my peers. My behaviour is not, I dare say, the accidental cumulation of some random events, but flowing from the values that I have accepted as my own. I do not judge others, only observe their behaviour, and believe people are responsible for those actions. I have observed myself to be different on the internet, where my attitude is more discordian, perhaps because even I can not resist the temptation of the impersonal communication that lends itself to hypothesising over the various mental ailments that plague others.
Discordian? Yes, I dare say that I am rather influenced (also in 'real life' (as if there is such a thing ) in my humour, which is dry and ironic) by Principia Discordia, and that I love the self-ridiculing style, the not taking serious seriously, and the profound love of chaos, that can also be recognised in Erasmus' "The Praise to Folly".
-- I hope you can forgive me for mentioning him. I'm not at all nationalist, but I when it comes to Erasmus and Spinoza, I am as masochistic as I am proud. They both did not write in Dutch, but nevertheless, they were Dutch, and so I find some pride in them. It's strange that half of those whom I am lucky enough to call friends are from Germany, which is at a rock throw away from me, where such great minds as Goethe, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were born to the world. It is an extra torment for me, to hear them idolising their language, when Dutch has the same power, but lacks the love of its people, who resort to English or other languages, while in fact it, like German, is in many instances more complete than English. I have yet to find a translation for the Dutch Euvel, or German Frevel, to defend myself from the Commonwealth fanatics.--