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Homsar seemed fine before he was crushed by that giant weight. He was assumed dead, until it was revealed that he was merely severly injured when he thanked Marzipan for sending him flowers "when [he] was in the hospital." After that, he is presented as only being able to speak in incoherent non sequiturs. My theory is that the head injury he suffered gave him some sort of tramuatic amnesia condition that resulted in a kind of neo-schizophrenic speech disorder, and made it impossible for him to say anything sensible. But this is just from a medical standpoint—it's probably just a suspension of disbelief that he survived, and his nonsensical speech was just for fun by the writers. --VolatileChemical 05:29, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)

What do you mean "fine?" He said 6 words before he got crushed. And he still had that same voice. I see what you mean, but Homsar still occasionally says sensical phrases. "I do as 'ahm told" -- Da Huuudge 15:56, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

What does voice have to do with it? I'm talking about his mental health here. And the way he said I do as I'm told sounds more like a quote than anything, which is mostly all he can speak it, corrupted quotes and sayings. --VolatileChemical 03:32, 10 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Strong Sad and Homsar

This article says Strong Sad is Homsar's friend. I have never seen any mention of this in Homestar Runner. Could someone tell me where they sourced this from? --Matjlav 00:12, 31 July 2005 (UTC)

The HRWiki's undergoing its end of month "exceeded transfer quota", so I'm going to have to do this from memory. In interview, the writer asked Strong Bad to interview Homsar, and Homsar later shows up looking for Strong Sad. They're also seen playing Connect Four in Where's The Cheat? -- Cyrius| 00:32, 31 July 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Damn it! Homsar IS funny!

Why does everyone hate Homsar! Y'all suck! Homsar rules! The QBasicJedi 20:16, 7 July 2006 (UTC)