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Character in Homestar Runner
Principal characters



Homsar is a character in the Homestar Runner series of animated cartoons. He is a goofy, verbally-challenged fellow whose speech, appearance and mannerisms are of a surreal nature. His yellow bowler hat has been known to move around on its own, becoming airborne (often moving in downright odd ways) and can even metamorphose under some circumstances.


[edit] Creation

The enigmatic character was created when a fan named "Vinnie C." e-mailed Strong Bad and asked "If you hate Homsar so much, why don't you kill him?".[1] This is a misspelling of the character "Homestar." Demonstrating the series' whimsical nature, Homsar was created as an entirely new character simply to make fun of a fan's spelling, and survived the attempt on his life (a large weight marked "HEAVY LOURDE" dropped on him) to appear in future cartoons. Homsar, as a character, could literally be called the "misspelled" Homestar, in more ways than just spelling; indeed, when telling a fan about the television show Homsar hosts, Strong Bad describes him as "America's favourite blue midget Homestar".[citation needed]

[edit] Characteristics

He is the cartoon's most surreal character, often making nonsensical statements irrelevant to the situation, such as "Don't look now, I'm just a friendly reminder", "I'm a song from the sixties", "Location, Location, Location", and "I was raised by a cup of coffee", although some of what he says can be taken metaphorically, for instance the sad way he said that he was the ghost of Christmas past when insulted by Homestar in Pumpkin Carve-Nival (and he ended the conversation with "and also with you"). This form of speech could be described as a "word salad," a characteristic of disorganized schizophrenics, though further analysis of his speech patterns have shown such a disorder not to be the case. He has his own television show, Whaddya Know, Haddi-man? During the only known episode of his show (featured in Strong Bad Email #110[2]) he stated that the letter G was a "healthy piece of real estate".

He has also been known to call other characters, as well as himself, odd names. For instance, calling Strong Bad "Reggie", or calling Bubs "Tubbs", or calling Strong Sad "that rhinoceros." Strong Sad, one of his two only friends, humors him by playing board games with him, and attending "concerts" Homsar organizes, which consist entirely of treehugging. His other friend, Marzipan, has also treated Homsar to tea-parties and Strong Sad's poetry slams. Though Homsar rarely says or does anything that fits in with the context of what the other characters are currently doing, he has apparently shown his appreciation for Strong Sad's friendship by entering the annual "Strong Sad Lookalike Contest." His costume was so convincing that the judge of the contest (Coach Z) thought that Homsar truly was Strong Sad, and disqualified him. Homsar has also directed a super-short play, Butt's Twelve by Pies, which, according to the playbill, stars "lighting & set decoration."

Due to his roundabout way of behaving and speaking, most of the other characters get easily annoyed with Homsar; during a hidden appearance in a Halloween short, Homestar comes upon Homsar in a costume of Tingle from The Legend of Zelda, and Homestar says in disgust, "Oh, great! The secret guy!", and even interrupted Homsar's "AaAaAa" statement.

Homsar's appearances are often in the form of Easter eggs. In each of the annual Halloween cartoons made after his creation (2001 onwards), Homsar can be seen in an Easter egg related to The Poopsmith. Furthermore, during select Strong Bad e-mails, by clicking on a specific object (a lobster's tag, for instance), a hidden appearance by Homsar will be triggered. Homsar also has a hidden character video and main page. One can access the video by clicking the eject button on the VCR on the characters page, and the main page by clicking the 7 in "copyright 2000-2007" on any main page or by clicking on an Easter Egg at the end of the Strong bad email "interview".

[edit] Relationship with other characters

In the Strong Bad e-mail "different town", Strong Bad is asked what his town would be like if he could make it different. Strong Bad describes Homsar as being "a modestly hot girl" to help him through the "hard times." Strong Bad states that Homsar would be "the kind that are only sorta hot so they don't mess around with other guys." Homsar (now with long brown hair and tall, white, uncovered legs) then says, "I'm forever your girl." Strong Bad disappointed himself with this, and he concluded that his imagination was broken.

In "Where's The Cheat?", after speaking to Bubs, he says, "Don't you TALK to me!". This suggests that Bubs does not like Homsar very much.

In an easter egg in the SBEmail "dragon", Strong Bad walks up to Homsar sitting at a desk and says, "Get out of my house!" and Homsar replies, "I do what I'm told.", suggesting that he is not much liked by Strong Bad.

Despite her apparent friendship with Homsar, Marzipan described him as "never a hit with anybody", when he appeared twice in the 4Tst Annual Fall Float Parade.

Homsar also served in the Homestarmy during the Battle of Strong Badia, along with Strong Sad, a painting of a guy with a big knife, and Private Frank Bennedetto (a home-appliance popcorn machine). However, he wandered off aimlessly while Colonel Homestar Runner confronted Strong Bad.

In Strong Sad's Lament, Homsar is shown to invite Strong Sad to tree-hugging parties.

[edit] External links