Homir Munn

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Homir Munn is a fictional character from Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series. He is one of the minor characters appearing in the novel Second Foundation. He is a librarian, and owns one of the biggest collections of information about the Mule.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Munn is one of a group of conspirators who plan to find the location of the Second Foundation. Together with Toran Darell II, Pelleas Anthor, Joe Turbor, Dr. Elvett Semic they set about piecing together the evidence.

He agrees to go on a mission to Kalgan to find information about the second foundation from the Mule's palace. Arkady Darell, then 13, decides to be a stowaway on the flight, to take part in the adventure. Munn discovers her presence mid-trip, when her bladder can no longer take the pressure. However she quickly persuades him that it is a good idea to have her along, and likewise persuades her father too, that her presence makes the whole trip appear more natural.

When at Kalgan, Munn, with Arkady's help, manages to persuades Lord Stettin to allow him access to the Mules palace for research purposes. Subsequently he unwittingly causes a war with the Foundation at Terminus, although the real cause is a combination of Arkadys machinations reinforced by Lady Callia.

He discovers the magnitude of the Mule's search for the Second Foundation and after the war finishes, returns to Terminus, convinced that the Second Foundation never existed.