Homerton College Boat Club

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The blade colours of Homerton College Boat Club
The blade colours of Homerton College Boat Club

Homerton College Boat Club (or HCBC as it is often abbreviated) is the rowing club for members of Homerton College, Cambridge. Their blade colors are white with a single royal blue band.

Homerton College Men's 1st VIII are rapidly gaining status on the River Cam, turning in consistently good performances in the bi-annual bumping races. Their recent highpoint was the winning of 'blades' in Lent Bumps 2004, going up 6 places, after over-bumping Girton II, and bumping 1st & 3rd Trinity III, Selwyn II and Clare II. They also hold the Oxbridge record for the most places advanced during one series of bumps (either Mays, Lents, or Torpids/Eights for Oxford), advancing 13 places in the 2001 Mays, where the crew moved up a division to division 3 and also won blades.

This crew included such notables as:

Alex Shaw; Adam Marsh; John Evans; David Pearce; Devin-Paul O'Brian; Richard Kimber; Bondi MacFarlane (Capt.) and Dan McSherry, the University blue and successful actor; all of them coxed by the incomparable Ruth Pidgeon. ("Chunder" Evans' personal lager regimen was supervised by one George Igler, a Hungarian)

Nevertheless the greatest hero, or rather heroine, of HCBC remains "The Lady Hilary": the single fibreglass boat available to the Men's 1st VIII for the majority of the club's history. Held together by little more than hope and epoxy resin, Hilary has been the site of many a shivering eighteen year old's transition into manhood. For longer than anyone can remember, this one boat has continued to emerge triumphant over the boats of older, richer and more populous clubs.

The Lady Hilary steers as nimbly as a swallow on a summer's eve and she has curves as luscious as a fine buxom wench. When the Lady Hilary is in the hands of a fine cox and a sturdy crew, she truly is a force to be reckoned with, as history has demonstrated.


[edit] The Energy Chant

HCBC has achieved a certain degree of notoriety as of late, at least amongst the rowers of neighbouring club houses, due to the men's club's "energy chant". The chant is performed in a tight "huddle" of rowers, cox and coaches, usually in the lower area of the boathouse just before the crew pushes off. Ordinarily, the captain of the crew will lead the chant, which is performed as follows:

"E - E - E,N,E R - R - R G,Y E,N,E - R,G,Y ENERGY!"

This short chant is repeated with a gradual crescendo and accelerando until the huddle breaks and the crew are screaming at each other.

[edit] Recent Form

[edit] Lent Bumps

[edit] Men

A table showing the position of the men's 1st VIII since 1999

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
1999 51st rowed-over rowed-over bumped by Queens' III bumped Queens' III
2000 50th bumped Hughes Hall bumped Corpus Christi II bumped by Corpus Christi II bumped by Sidney Sussex II
2001 51st ¤ rowed-over bumped by Hughes Hall
2002 47th rowed-over double over-bumped Peterhouse II rowed-over rowed-over
2003 46th rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over bumped Downing III
2004 40th over-bumped Girton II bumped 1st & 3rd Trinity III bumped Selwyn II bumped Clare II
2005 37th bumped St. Catharine's II bumped Christ's II rowed-over bumped Lady Margaret III
2006 38th bumped Robinson II bumped by Robinson II bumped by Selwyn II rowed-over
2007 34th rowed-over bumped Robinson II bumped Trinity Hall II bumped Selwyn II and Queens' II

¤ Racing was cancelled on the Friday and Saturday of this week due to an outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease which forced the closure of the towpath.

[edit] Women

A table showing the position of the women's 1st VIII for 2006

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
2006 36th bumped by Corpus Christi rowed-over bumped New Hall II bumped St. Catharine's II
2007 33rd bumped Queens' II and Corpus Christi rowed-over rowed-over bumped Newnham II

[edit] May Bumps

[edit] Men

A table showing the position of the men's 1st VIII since 2000

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
2000 53rd double over-bumped Churchill III bumped 1st & 3rd Trinity IV bumped Pembroke III bumped 1st & 3rd Trinity IV
2001 40th bumped Lady Margaret III & Corpus Christi II over-bumped Sidney Sussex II triple over-bumped 1st & 3rd Trinity III bumped Selwyn II
2002 37th bumped Robinson II bumped Darwin rowed-over bumped Pembroke II
2003 37th rowed-over bumped Christ's II rowed-over bumped by Darwin
2004 40th bumped Robinson II rowed-over bumped by St Edmund's bumped by Selwyn II
2005 39th bumped by Girton II rowed-over bumped St Edmund's bumped Clare II
2006 38th bumped Trinity Hall II bumped Girton II rowed-over bumped by Magdalene II

‡ as sandwich boat for Division 3. See May Bumps for details.

[edit] Women

A table showing the position of the women's 1st VIII for 2005

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
2005 33rd rowed-over bumped Trinity Hall II rowed-over rowed-over
2006 32nd rowed-over rowed-over bumped Sidney Sussex rowed-over

[edit] External links