Home (Battlestar Galactica)

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Battlestar Galactica episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 6 & 7
Written by David Eick
Ronald D. Moore
Directed by Sergio Mimica-Gezzan
Jeff Woolnough
Production no. 206 & 207
Original airdate August 19, 2005 & August 26, 2005
Episode chronology
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"Home", Part I and II are episodes of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica television series.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Part 1

Survivor Count: 47,858

Lt. Starbuck and Helo successfully rendezvous with Laura Roslin's separatist fleet orbiting Kobol. The two have brought with them the Arrow of Apollo, to Roslin's relief, but they have also brought Caprica-Boomer. After a moments' shock, Capt. Apollo explodes in outrage over Galactica-Boomer shooting his father, putting a gun to her head. Roslin defuses the situation, but then orders Caprica-Boomer to be executed immediately by being put out an airlock. Roslin only relents when Caprica-Boomer claims to know where the Tomb of Athena is and that they'll never find it without her help.

Back on Galactica, Commander Adama tries out a new flight leader, Lt. George Birch, to replace Apollo. It's a risk, but there aren't many good pilots left to choose from. Adama then has to deal with the fleet's media who demand answers behind the separation of the fleet and what he intends to do about it.

Elsewhere, Dr. Baltar becomes paranoid about the fact that there are eight Cylon agents in the fleet, however, Number Six tries to calm him by stating he will be spared the fate of the other Humans; he has a special destiny.

Lt. Birch flubs his control of a Viper training exercise where Hot Dog nearly kills Louanne "Kat" Katraine, and then botches the co-ordination of a routine refueling maneuver between a tanker and a civilian ship resulting in damage to both ships. Adama is forced to pull him from command.

On Kobol, Roslin leads a search team through heavy wooded terrain during heavy rainfall, to reach the Tomb of Athena. During the trek, Priestess Elosha steps on a landmine and is killed. As Roslin grieves, the group is ambushed by Centurions. During the firefight, Boomer unexpectedly grabs a grenade launcher and singlehandedly takes the last Centurion out, much to Apollo's surprise.

Back at the fleet, Adama is in his stateroom, quietly revealing some of the feelings that he has about Lee and Sharon's betrayal and the splitting of the fleet. We see that he is in fact talking to Petty Officer Dualla. She responds that his anger may be more to do with him not being able to keep the fleet together as a family as he had promised, than with his betrayal. She urges him to reunite the fleet, stating the separation is affecting everyone's morale, and keeping parents away from their children. He looks startled at her comments and angrily rejects the suggestion, dismissing her. Passing by CIC later on he pauses in thought, then relents. He asks for all maps and recon photos of Kobol, announcing that they are putting the fleet back together again. Surprise, then relief is visible on the faces of the officers in CIC.

[edit] Part 2

Survivor Count: 47,855

Determined to reunite the fleet, Commander Adama heads to Kobol with a Raptor crew that includes Roslin's secretary, Billy Keikeya, and Chief Tyrol.

On Galactica, Number Six irritates Baltar by playing what he terms as "mind games" about their supposed future "love child". Dr. Baltar questions his sanity when Number Six changes to a more casual appearance and reveals that there never was any chip in his head that was causing him to see her, Baltar is simply suffering from psychosis. Dr. Cottle performs an MRI and finds nothing physically wrong with Baltar's head, but diagnoses him as "just another hypochondriac".

On Kobol, with Caprica-Boomer's assistance, President Roslin's expedition continues on to the Tomb of Athena. The group is intercepted by Adama and his team. Expecting their arrest, Adama instead reconciles with Apollo and Roslin, but immediately attacks Boomer on sight until he is restrained. Later, Tyrol approaches Boomer while she sits with Helo. She gives Tyrol a gentle but unsettling hug, stating that she "remembers" him.

The combined party finally reaches the Tomb of Athena. Tom Zarek's men have arranged to kill Adama and Apollo in order to ensure Zarek's power in the fleet. Zarek's men enlist Caprica-Boomer's help by telling her of Galactica-Boomer's fate and saying that her and her baby may be next unless she helps to change the people in charge. However, Boomer has been playing them; when the confrontation comes, she kills Zarek's men instead. Caprica-Boomer tells Adama that she is different from Galactica-Boomer; she has no hidden programs, such as the one that caused Galactica-Boomer to shoot Adama. She gives up her firearm to him.

Boomer remains in custody as Adama, Roslin, Apollo, Starbuck and Billy enter the tomb. By using the Arrow of Apollo they are briefly "transported" to a stone circle in a grassy field, staring at the night sky, via some unknown mechanism (possibly a holographic map). Roslin recognises that each of the twelve stones in the circle represents one of the colonies, and that the constellations in the sky were named in honor of the Twelve Colonies. In a moment of insight Starbuck realises that there is no thirteenth stone (for Earth) because the party is actually "standing" on Earth.

By examining the stars and other celestial bodies in Earth's sky, they obtain approximate directions for how to reach it. All return to Galactica and Adama reinstates Roslin as President. Caprica-Boomer is put in the brig in the glass walled cell. She talks with Helo via phones. Through a one-way mirror, Baltar talks with his "Inner Six" about this Sharon giving birth to "their" child. The last thing he ask was what was she: a hallucination. She replies saying: "I'm an angel of God here to protect you".

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Trivia

  • The plot element of finding the way to Earth in the tomb echoes events in the original series episode "Lost Planet of the Gods" where Adama discovers Kobol and tries to decipher ancient clues to finding the lost 13th Colony.