Category talk:Holocaust denial

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Why is Category:Holocaust denial categorized in Category:Pseudoscience when the article Holocaust denial isn't categorized in Category:Pseudoscience? 23:26, 7 June 2005 (UTC)

Should we have a subcategory Category:Holocaust deniers for individuals? GCarty 18:37, 19 February 2006 (UTC)

I think so. A list would be another option and in my mind other than the advantages listed here this has the advantage of allowing nesting within the pages using |* or similar. See Category:Cults for a similar approach. Antonrojo 00:26, 5 July 2006 (UTC)

I don't think that denying holocaust should be considered as neo-nazism, I guess most of the holocaust deniers are actually against nazism totally, I've removed the category for that reason. best regards -- 14:32, 21 February 2006 (UTC)

Why is this a subcategory of Anti-Semitism? One who thinks that the holocaust might be exaggerated isn't necessarily Anti-Semitic. BhaiSaab talk 20:36, 29 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] PockBot - Category articles summary as of 9:10:31, Thu Dec 7, 2006

List of all pages in category Holocaust denial retrieved by PockBot.

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Article Class / Status
Holocaust denial not yet classified
Adelaide Institute not yet classified
Alt.revisionism not yet classified
Australian League of Rights not yet classified
Barnes Review not yet classified
Canadian Ethnic Cleansing Team not yet classified
Did Six Million Really Die? not yet classified
Gregory Douglas not yet classified
Examination of Holocaust denial not yet classified
Faurisson affair not yet classified
Richard J. Green (chemist) not yet classified
Heretical (website) not yet classified
Historical revisionism (negationism) not yet classified
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century not yet classified
International Holocaust Cartoon Competition not yet classified
Informationsdienst gegen Rechtsextremismus not yet classified
Institute for Historical Review not yet classified
Judea Declares War on Germany not yet classified
Ben Klassen not yet classified
Deborah Lipstadt not yet classified
Loi Gayssot not yet classified
Mel Mermelstein not yet classified
National Socialist Movement (United States) not yet classified
National-Socialist Party of Canada not yet classified
Nizkor Project not yet classified
Boris Pribich not yet classified
Radio Islam not yet classified
Jeff Rense not yet classified
Revisionism not yet classified
Malcolm Ross (anti-Semite) not yet classified
Samisdat Publishers not yet classified
Simon Sheppard (activist) not yet classified
Tri-City Skins not yet classified
La Vieille Taupe not yet classified
Western Canada For Us not yet classified
Mahmoud Abbas not yet classified
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad not yet classified
Austin App not yet classified
Arthur Butz not yet classified
Wendy Campbell not yet classified
Willis Carto not yet classified
Doug Christie (lawyer) not yet classified
Doug Collins (journalist) not yet classified
Larry Darby not yet classified
Léon Degrelle not yet classified
David Duke not yet classified
François Duprat not yet classified
Robert Faurisson not yet classified
Bobby Fischer not yet classified
Prussian Blue (duo) not yet classified
Roger Garaudy not yet classified
Hutton Gibson not yet classified
Jürgen Graf not yet classified
Hajo Herrmann not yet classified
James P. Hogan (writer) not yet classified
David Hoggan not yet classified
Ahmed Huber not yet classified
David Irving not yet classified
John Gudenus not yet classified
James Keegstra not yet classified
Fred A. Leuchter not yet classified
Alex Linder not yet classified
Norman Lowell not yet classified
David McCalden not yet classified
David Myatt not yet classified
Hassan Nasrallah not yet classified
Nick Griffin not yet classified
Ryu Ota not yet classified
Charles D. Provan not yet classified
Ahmed Rami not yet classified
Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi not yet classified
Paul Rassinier not yet classified
Otto Ernst Remer not yet classified
Ingrid Rimland not yet classified
Germar Rudolf not yet classified
Mohammed Taheri not yet classified
Serge Thion not yet classified
Gerald Fredrick Töben not yet classified
Siegfried Verbeke not yet classified
Richard Verrall not yet classified
Bill White (neo-Nazi) not yet classified
Ernst Zündel not yet classified

PockBot 09:10, 7 December 2006 (UTC)