Hogan Show

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The Hogan Show is a smash hit underground video production from Fabulous Films Inc.

The show began as a creative concept born from the minds of two geniuses; the idea consisted of creating a highly obscure entertainment show loosely based on wrestling and the character Hulk Hogan. There would be a main story leading up to the ‘main event’ wrestling match at the conclusion of the show, with plenty of extra skits peppered throughout the show. The show is hosted by Fabulous Ernie P*nisdance and features many original characters such as the Mad Hatter, Granny Fanny, Cletus and Redneck Gregg. Although the show was actually filmed in Scotland, the supposed location of the Hogan Show itself remains a mystery.

The first Hogan Show (Brutha Vs Brutha) went into production in the winter of 2002. The storyline for the first Hogan Show was that Hulk Hogan’s brutha (brother) Hollywood Hogan was openly gay and Hulk objected to this and so they had a wrestling match to settle their differences. The match for some reason or another was a Ladder Match with £5 hanging above the ladder. The show was eventually completed and released on VCD on the 11th November of that year and quickly became a cult success.

A few months after the release of the original, work began on a sequel entitled “Hogan Show 2: Great Brutha Vs Great Mutha” around 30 minutes of footage and the main event were complete but unfortunately due to a computer crash all work was lost. Due to this and a variety of other reasons the sequel was delayed by 4 years but eventually saw the light of day in summer 2006. The plot for the second installment of the series was that Hulk Hogan accidentally knocked a fish supper out of the Great Mutha’s hands and Mutha wanted revenge. Mutha could not locate Hogan so he began killing celebrities instead. Hogan eventually snapped when Mutha executed his own brother Hollywood (from the original) and the two faced each other in the main event. Hogan Show 2 was released on DVD and became even more successful than its predecessor, selling several tens of thousands more copies.

Work is currently underway on Hogan Show 3 and rumour has it the script is now complete. This news came as a pleasant surprise to the media and Hogan Show fans who were hoping that history would not repeat itself with the time gap between Volume 1 and 2. A mere 6 months passed between work ending on Volume 2 and work beginning on Volume 3, unlike the "B*tch ass four year gap between the first two" as quoted by Fabulous Ernie P*nisdance in a recent press statement.

A side project of sorts recently began when Hogan Show Radio, a podcast for fans of the original series hit the virtual airwaves. The show is hosted by Fabulous Ernie P*nisdance and Ace Kellogg and features many of the characters from the original popular Hogan Show entertainment series as well as many celebrity guests. On September 30th 2006 the premier 'cast was released to the world as a subscription-free download on the Violent Impact Wrestling forum at www.VIW.cjb.net. Since then another 3 podcasts were produced to critical acclaim. After the airing of the 4th edition the big announcement that Hogan Show 3 was in the works came and therefore Hogan Show Radio had to go off air while the project was completed. No word was ever given if Hogan Show Radio would return once Hogan Show 3 was finished.
