Hoehn and Yahr scale

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The Hoehn and Yahr scale is a commonly used system for describing how the symptoms of Parkinson's disease progress. The scale allocates stages from 0 to 5 to indicate the relative level of disability.

  • Stage one: Symptoms on one side of the body only.
  • Stage two: Symptoms on both sides of the body. No impairment of balance.
  • Stage three: Balance impairment. Mild to moderate disease. Physically independent.
  • Stage four: Severe disability, but still able to walk or stand unassisted.
  • Stage five: Wheelchair-bound or bedridden unless assisted.

[edit] References

  • Hoehn M, Yahr M (1967). "Parkinsonism: onset, progression and mortality.". Neurology 17 (5): 427-42. PMID 6067254.