Ho Lap College

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Ho Lap College (可立中學) is a secondary school in San Po Kong, Hong Kong, founded in 1969. It is a well-established EMI(English as the Medium of Instruction) school in the district. It is also the first school sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen. As of 2005 it has an enrollment of some 1,200 students.

[edit] Ho Lap College 可立中學

Badge of Ho Lap College
Principal Mr. Ling Kin Chen
Motto "To act benevolently and to teach benevolence"
"普濟勸善" (Chinese)
Founded 1969
School Type Government-subsidized
Location San Po Kong, Hong Kong
Medium of Instruction English
Enrolment 1,200 students
School Magazine 立聲

[edit] See also

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