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Hlalu is the name refering to a man within the book "Forence and Sevencies". It is a fictional epic about post-Nazi Germany. Hlalu was a Semitic -Arabic, Jewish, or Asyrian- man from North-East Africa. Was written by author Cameron Bentley. It is a bold fictional scandal about how Hitler wasn't killed in Berlin while the allies assaulted it, but was taken out by Nazi commanders and sent to Russia to Stalin. Within documents Stalin listening to Hitler about Hitler's way of thinking and events that lead to the crisis' of early superpower history. Hlalu is a Semitic man that Stalin has killed for "herecy" against the Soviet Union during one of the major crisis' the superpowers faced, for trading state secrets of which he was completely innocent. He was killed by a guard that was instructed to take him into the woods and shoot him making it look like a hunting accident. Story seems weak but in fact it was the impact Hlalu and his religion that made it such a great, and yet uncommonly known book.